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2001-12-03 - 6:50 p.m.

98% water

98% of the human body is water. I'm certain of this, because the fluid is currently flooding all the sinus and nasal passages in my head. My ears are in that 'just-before-they-pop-in-the-airplane' state. I've been waiting for the blissful equalization of pressure for 24 hours and counting ...

And, just to continue the whinging, my doctor says that it's *not* a bacterial infection so they'll be no blissful release from antibotics. And my estruscian tubes are completely blocked full of liquid. And it may become an infection, but right now nothing to do by drain the fluid by blowing your nose thousands of times, getting fluid and rest. And don't go to work. Stay home and sleep.

I blame Rob. Actually, I blame the trans-Atlantic flight. Always seem to get sick the week after a long flight - closed environment with all those germy people. Rob got sick early last week, but I seem to be much worse off.

Daytime television is *not* good for sick people. If you are hugging your couch in sniffly misery, why, oh, why, should you be forced to choose between Maury and the 13 year old prostitutes, Oprah and the tantric chef, and 'current classics' on TNT. God knows the children's shows or the home shopping network are equally bizarre and disturbing.

Thankyougod for DVD collections and all the TV I recorded during our sojourn in the U.K.

My weekend? We got to Nikulai's later than we'd hope and were all pitifully asleep in short order. Sick people not that bouncy.

Unevent was good, considering I ran my meeting through the early stages of being sick and Gen being all chatty and difficult over in the corner. You'd think people who'd run meetings before would have more sympathy for the moderator, but nope. Bad Bubbles. Seemed to go quite well. I did my list of 'most frequent reporting and paperwork mistakes' which always make people chuckle. Or at least they pretend as a salve to my feelings. (See, Rhiannon - You missed an amusing meeting - though not more amusing that HP's performance in the parking lot.)

* ~400 renewals/authorization. That's down from the 800 we did last year.

* 280 waivers signed since the repeal of pay to play - about 90 associated with authorizations.

* ~170 reports to date this calendar year.

* 138 MoLs

* 885 currently authorized fighters, including ....

* 524 Armored fighters

* 325 Rapier fighters

* 150 Combat archers

* 38 Equestrian

* 525 expired fighters

I don't know why the GOoFs have office hours. I had ten minutes of business during my hour long KMoL office hours. BUT, after my meeting, I was attacked by ten people who each needed just a second (translate that to five minutes). Why did I have office hours again?

Curia was blissfully short. My only fun part was greeting Byrom as Hey, look - it's Byrom and his hetrosexual life partner ... which made Balynar come across the seat at me. Hee hee.

I was sick and cranky, but my companions bore up well. I enjoyed dinner hosted by Ann and Les in their suite, but I was only partly there, talking through a haze of cold germs.

We were asleep pretty early again (damn illness) and up fairly early Sunday. We laid around and chatted till about 11 am when we finally decided to acquire food and get on the road. Nikulai and Rob put up with Theo behaving like a 5 year old because I just didn't give a sh** where we ate and didn't have any patience for discussing it. I'm not making a plan. No planning... Maybe it's because I'm so often in charge of plans, but probably it's just the sickness making me behaving like a brat.

Happy Birthday Laura! Sunday was Laura's birthday and I didn't get her a present yet and I didn't get to spend any time with her - which really, considering my sniffly state was all for the best.

And another moment to whine about the weather. I know 70 in December sounds pleasant, but it's not. It's wrong. It's non holiday like. It's annoying because the day starts in the 40s and you have to manage to dress comfortably for a 30 degree change in temperature over eight hours. Whine, whine, whine. Wacky weather making me cranky.

You know, tissues and glasses inevitably do not interact well.

Up against the wall today - the person who invented the teletubbies.

Also, the people who put the funny new live action "The Tick" comedy, against the "West Wing," thus creating a VCR programming conflict. Dammit.

I'll whinge less when I feel better. Promise. So much for my plan to join the diet and fitness revolution this week.

Scribble to Theo

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