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2001-11-30 - 1:05 p.m.

I have the mouse

My goodness, we have a *lot* of fighters in the Realm of Atlantia. Why am I babbling about this? Because last night was (in preparation for Unevent) quarterly packet creation night. This means putting together mailing packets for the 138 MoLs of the realm and filing all the paperwork from the past quarter. Just struggling to get up to date and ready for Unevent this weekend.

Let me give you a clue - it's been a busy fall tournament season.

21 pages. The current fighter list is 21 pages!

Rags, Kyna, Roland, Gen, Mia (with help from baby Lukas!), Kevin and I spent about two hours filing and sorting. That's about 14 hours worth of work. Whew. Thanks guys!

Mia's cute son, Lukas, came along - he's almost two months old now. (Sorry, Mel, you missed the baby fix.) He even let me hold him for a short time - but mostly he wanted Momma Mia.

I fed my crew dinner, which everyone seemed happy with because when I went to have leftover ravoli for breakfast there was (good gravy!) only a tablespoon of the alfredo sauce left! Dammit ... Cold chicken, it is.

There are no cookies left - the ones Kymber brought evaporated before she got any. burp That's okay - she got 'Smarties' from the U.K. - which made her happy enough to whimper in a strange way. This candy is like American M&Ms - except the shell is more like our SweetTarts/Smarties. I think they're weird, but Kymber will be on a sugar high for awhile.

After work and dinner were complete, Rob seduced Kymber with pictures.

Let the record show it was not me nor Ragnarr. It was all Rob.

Kymber even tried to be good and get home early - but Rob kept pulling up more pictures and books. Did I mention the picture tally from the U.K has been upgraded to 2000+? The more Rob sorts files, the more he seems to find. Hmmm...

We pawed through the cast bits we bought at the Oxford Re-enactors Market and I found Kymber's present. It's a badge of a cat holding a mouse in it's teeth - which represents the epic struggle between good and evil. The Latin motto translates "I have the mouse." So when Kymber wanders up to you muttering about mice, you might want to be a bit afraid.

Today, I woke up to the start of a cold (joy of joys - why is it you usually end up sick the week after air travel?), so I called in sick and slept late. Then spent the balance of the morning processing reports and writing fighter cards. I always feel guilty being productive at home when I call in sick to work. Sigh.

Gosh, I should pack for Unevent, eh? I get to spend the weekend with Nikulai!

Scribble to Theo

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