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House and a shelf

2001-10-02 - 7:46 a.m.

Holy Dustbunnies Batman!

Work is rather tedious lately. Lots and lots of testing and data to process. I'll be so glad when this project is over and I can move to a new assignment. That's the plus of my job - I don't have to change jobs to have a new job/role every year to three. Tedium, when will it end?

Costco shopping last night - which is just one more warehouse club. Seductive places, but they really do have great prices on certain things. (Gen might be happy to know I found beef tenderloin extremely cheap, so there may be a roast tomorrow.) Priced out a bunch of stuff for my cook. Bought a copy of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and A Knight's Tale, because that movie was just too silly. Also found a copy of Bull Durham for $5 - great compromise movie - guys generally like the baseball, the girls are there for the Costner "I believe" soliquoy.

The evening was spent digging out - you know the hours of putting things away that precedes the actually cleaning - while Roland headed to fighter practice.

We had four or five different cleaning services during my full time work/full time grad school phase (which ended Dec'99) cause it was just too crazy. Never found one we liked, ended up firing them all. You had to appreciate their approach - "We won't clean anything unless it's completely picked up. We just won't take responsibility for misplacing your stuff." Yeah, right. Picking up/moving stuff is over half the cleaning battle � what a scam. We had one service that emptied the dishwasher and *guessed* where all my dishes went. When I asked them to stop that, the owner yelled at me that I was unapprecative of his wife's extra effort. (She spent all that time hiding my dishes yet couldn't dust - what was to appreciate?) Needless to say, that conversation ended his firm's work at my house.

Really, it's far less frustrating to clean your own place.

I did find the comic boxes while I was putting away things in the basement. Wasted at least half an hour on old superhero comics (Shazam! Adam Strange. Green Arrow. Black Canary - wasn't she just an excuse for fishnets?), but still didn't find my Batman. Found a bunch of Superboy.

The comics are all things my dad bought, and he was into WWII comics and creepy comics - so if you want Navy! or House of Mystery or Richie Rich I've got a bunch. Look, the only redeeming things about Richie Rich is Casper and Wendy the Good Witch. I really should dump these things on eBay.

We have an event planning meeting tonight, which I'm jazzed about. With luck, I can run a fast meeting and make it home by 8 pm for the Buffy premiere. Those that don't watch it may scoff but it is a really good show.

I see Celynen's points about Alias. Yeah, I should've said the action moved fast, played well, but you are right about the realism. I've been a grad school student too - how would I have managed flying to Taipei on a moment's notice to kick butt when there's 20 - 80 hours of homework a week plus classes? Suspension of disbelief.

Scribble to Theo

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