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2001-10-01 - 9:03 a.m.

Things you can do with a Lampshade

Much work on Shire projects in the past few days. We are almost ready for Pilgrim's Tale.

Thursday last. Failenn sketched out a 'Cross & Crescent' banner for our tavern. Do you know how to make a crescent? You need two circular things of complementary size for the inner and outer diameter. She started with the coaster and my embroidery hoop. Then she graduated to the plant dish.

That looks good, but you need a bigger circle for the next crescent in the progression. What are you going to use?

Failenn grins and points at my lampshade.

Um, err, well I don't think the lamp comes apart easily. After defending my bedroom lamps and the Japanese garden lantern, I finally went and got her a mixing bowl, which wasn't big enough, so she butted a spool of thread against the rim and used it like a compass to thicken the diameter.

Scribes are inventive scroungers. But my lampshade?

I was safer when Failenn went downstairs to cast more and I worked on the event d�cor in peace.

White gel pens do *great* whitework on banners edges.

Friday rushed passed in a wild push of data processing/test results evaluation. We like data, data is good, so much data.

The good news is about 4 pm, they took away the banshee drive. *Snoopy happy dance* Ah, the sounds of silence. The techs tried to rib me about being sensitive - You try this from my hearing range. I've gone home with my teeth aching for the past week. I'm wearing earplugs and headphones. There is no humor left in this situation. Are we clear? They got the hint and left swiftly.

Thanks are due to my officemate who will have to switch computers yet again after they get this fixed.

I was beyond unsocial when I made it home. Incoherently tired from the noise and intense concentration of the day - kind of felt hung over - so I sent Roland off to dinner without me and spent the evening in solitary sewing. Decompression good. I hear dinner was a rocking good time, but I would've been hopelessly grumpy.

Saturday was Lochmere's Baronial Birthday - a nice small event. I like intimate events. We had six fighters so I managed to hem my Pelican cloak (how appropriate, having to hem my own) during the tournament. We had more waterbearers than fighters which was unusual. Countess Eorann came, which was nifty to see her, just her, leaving Tbone home with a sick Sarah.

I submitted a badge, and I got to hang with my former roommate, Giovanni - I just don't see her enough. Siobhan recommended her when I was looking for a roommate during my college co-op. We had such a blast. For once, I was the tallest person in the apartment - You dust high, I'll dust low. Sock puppet theatre while folding laundry - who needed cable?

Dinner was fantastic, thank you Sir Xenephon - delicious pork and beef, everything was outstanding including the baklava that was worth every calorie. Lochmere, ever the charming hosts.

A very relaxing day - but the cool wind didn't help my sniffles. We left early and I was asleep by 9 pm - trying to sleep off this cold before it really takes hold.

Sunday - slept blissfully late, then spent a while on the phone trying to rearrange an event planning meeting. It is very hard to get six SCAdians in one room for an hour - we're all too busy having lives.

I was working on the castle walls for the field, when Roland mentions he's going to help Kymber cast. Since I'd been swearing at the sewing machine for the past fifteen minutes solid, I decided a break would be a good thing. I fought off the guilt of project avoidance by packing up some hand sewing, and went with Roland.

Why is traffic bad on a Sunday?

Rags makes good French toast. Yum. Haven't had French toast in years. Nina and Demur came over to help, adding to the very pleasant company. After the bacon was gone, ummm, everyone disappeared into the casting workshop while I curled up on the sunny sofa with hand sewing and chatted with Ragnarr. Rags and Kyna won't let me clear the table anymore because I'll go into the kitchen and end up doing the dishes. Southern training, can't help it - it's not so bad, is it? My cooking snob flaws seem to be working out okay for everyone.

I finished the hood I was making for the event prizes and decided to assemble the flannel hood Kymber had cut out for me because it was there and I'm compulsively productive. I decided to hand sew the seams, and managed to put the shoulder gores in backwards because Kyna's hood pattern differs from mine. Oh well, it'll be just fine - besides making Kyna twitch whenever she sees it. Hee hee.

Casting went well - Roland, Dur and Nina worked on the Crusades site tokens while Kyna tried to perfect a mold that was thwarting her. And I thought I'd been cussing at my sewing machine earlier that morning� woo � I think I'm tied with Kymber. Why do we do this stuff again? The Crusades token look like the Roxbury milrinds cross - bonus for my Shire.

Rags and I talked about Batman, because I know something about comics even if I'm useless at Sunday football. (Where's Lis when you need her? Kyna was wearing a Steelers shirt, Lis.) Sorry, I really prefer the Dark Knight more than the '30s-carry-a-gun-Batman from Detective Comics. But, yes, in any era, Robin's scaley underwear outfit is unfortunate. My Batman comics are somewhere in the basement - I wonder if I can find them.

We left about 5 for a feast run through. ["Roland, we need to go." "But the mold is pouring for me - I'm on a roll." I think metal artisans are superstituous.] Genevieve (not Bubbles but my Shiremate and event cook - Genevieve de Loire) cooked a seating for eight on the Pilgrim's Tale feast menu. Oh. My. Oh. My. Delicious. We hung our with Istvan, Elisabeta, Violante, and Mikhail and toyed with portion sizes and the budget a bit while snacking on the rest of the food. Can you say yum? She only made about half the dishes, her newest redactions, so I have to wait for the event to get the much beloved dusted eggplant again. (People that hate eggplant like this dish.)

We made it home a bit after 8, sat down to watch the rest of 'A Bug Life' while I measured and marked the castle walls. Two and a half hours later, I had all the bale kits marked and made for distribution to the sewing labor.

'Alias' premiered last night - the grad school CIA agent premise. Excellent show. Good writing, tight plot, left a lot of ends open to be developed or ignored which makes for great dramatic possibilities.

Sometime in the coming week I *have* to get my house clean. When, I don't know. I'm busy every night this week. Maybe Padraiga will bring those wonderous dust clothes over. I discovered just how much I need to dust while Failenn was trying to deconstruct my lamps.

Oh, look, there's more data to work on today. Happy, happy, joy, joy.

Scribble to Theo

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