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Just for Pope Gregory...

Finding the nativity

An accelerated rate

To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2001-10-03 - 7:55 a.m.

Camels are always funny

Yes, Ragnarr, there needs to be an excuse for fishnets. Rocky Horror is an acceptable excuse. Dressing female superheros in dumb ways is not. Did you ever see the spoof Xfiles episode when Mulder and Scully are teaching actors to play them in a movie? In one of the shots, Scully's in the background trying to teach 'her' actor to run in heels.

Let me say it's good to have the royal bard and the Kingdom poeta on your entertainment staff. We ran through the event schtick last night and this is gonna be fun. Istvan, my seneschal, and Violante, our general Shire meddler (grin) have dug up a bunch of Sufi stories - Hojo stories. Ruardhri's in the middle of teaching Muslim empire history. Gyrth has SCA history ideas -and stories of past Crusades events - though he did look quite doubtful when Kitten presented him with a halo for his Saint persona. They're negotiating.

We did have to replan some stuff. Our original thought was to contest for possession of the holy land and ask each Monarch to champion a side of the cause, but no one in the Shire feels comfortable using that historically based idea given the present world events.

Then Kitten says, because she is full of random and fascinating thoughts, "Camels are always funny." What are we doing with camels? Well, when you have a creative staff this good, you just let them have at - though I have hesitations about Ruardhri's Scotish Muslim Angus Akbar ibn Na'him McClellan voice. But it does sound like a Scotish Muslim.

Shaping up to be a rough TV season. Buffy and Angel are back. Roswell next week. West Wing premieres soon. Charmed this week. Wolf Lake and Enterprise have potential. Farscape is back. Smallville and the Tick still have to premiere. I do *not* have time for this much TV in my life.

Drove like a fiend to make it home just in time for Buffy! Buffy's back. I really missed this show. Stellar premiere, but I did guess a few things before they were revealed, which is very unusual. And I don't want to spoil for anyone taping, so I'll stop talking about Buffy.

Roland watched it after he got home from practice, so he was up late, which may compensate for me getting up early. For no apparent reason, I was wide awake at 3 am.

I decide to try reading for a bit, occupy my mind and make me sleepy. Didn't work. So I re-read Madeline L'Engle's A Ring of Endless Light.

I saw eternity the other night, like a ring of pure and endless light,

All calm, as it was bright; And round beneath it, Time in hours, days, years, driv'n by the spheres

Like a vast shadow mov'd; in which the world

And all her train were hurl'd - Henry Vaughan "The World"

The book's about a young girl dealing with death of friends and family as she comes of age. It's a fantastic book, comforting, sad, spiritual and uplifting all at once, and it made me think very much of Kimmie going through similarly turbulent times. It's a good read, Kimmie, though it may be too close to home just now.

There is in God some say, a deep but dazzling darkness

-Henry Vaughan. "The Night"

On the plus side, my sleeplessness means there will be a real dinner tonight, not just takeout, before Oedipus.

Now I just have to figure out whether I'm going to make University. Too busy to go, really don't want to miss it.

Scribble to Theo

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