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2001-09-28 - 11:26 a.m.


It's a a few weeks before Crown and about this time I always get questions about the Crown tournament format. TRM published Their wishes in the October Acorn, but that hasn't reached all of the Kingdom yet. So, one of my MoLs askes "Is it going to be a standard no-frills double-elim or "Calvinball" {i.e. best 5/9 bastard swords only, hopping on 1 foot while singing "Fair Lady Atlantia," based on OP}? "

Calvinball for Crown. I could just love that idea. I haven't played Calvinball in ages.

Calvinball, for those non Calvin and Hobbes folks is a cross between tag football, baseball, soccer and usually involves water guns or balloons. That bases don't move, but the real trick is any player can change the rules at any time simply by shouting out a new rule at the top of their lungs. You'd see the two cartoon heros Calvin and Hobbes playing bloody games of Calvinball in the Sunday strips.

Imagine Calvinball in Alan and Gen's backyard:

The refrees: Alan, Robert, Isobel

The referee's un-negotiable rules: Disturb the fishpond and die. Only use schlagers on folks wearing masks. Spill anyone's martini and die. No firearms. Spill anyone's Scotch and die. No power tools. Spill anyone's iced tea and die.

The teams:

Bubbles Brutes: Gen, Kevin, Tonton, Suzie

Monkey's Boys: Cynwrig, Theo, Meng, Shane

Alan laconically tosses the cambok ball into the fray. Shane: Ow!

Gen snatches ball Learn to duck hamster boy! and runs behind Kevin-the-wall.

Shane lunges for Gen, but is blocked by Kevin. Cynwrig goes around Kevin, to stop Gen from speeding toward the goal.

Isobel shoots Cynwrig in the butt with a rubber band gun. Ow! Hey! Ow! I thought you said no firearms! Cynwrig lunges towards her, but Bob yells Referees may shoot anyone at anytime - get back there! Cynwrig glances toward Alan for help. Alan just smiles and raises his martini glass. Isobel grins and selects another rubber band.

Gen heads for goal. Theo: Blondes can't score goals!

Meng: Hey, hello, I'm on YOUR team.

Susie: Ummm. Redheads can't make rules. Takes a pass from Gen. And blondes can too score goals! Score! Sticks her tongue out at Cynwrig. Think of it as being beaten by a girl!

Cynwrig: Yeah, like I'm not already FAMILAR with that.

Isobel: Yeah!

Bob: Honey, you're supposed to be neutral. Ah, who cares. Takes the rubber band gun and aims for Kevin.

Kevin: Hey! Ow!

Cynwrig, seeing Suzie still has the ball decides he doesn't need the ball: You can score goals by spiking another player on the goal. Moves toward Tonton.

Tonton: Hey! Hello, I am not a projectile.

Meng: Respect her authority! Hey - she's not on my team - don't respect her authority!

I envision blood and tequila.

Now people are coming to tour my office to hear the incredibly loud computer? Can't we just get rid of the thing? Back to Phantom. There's got to be a CD I haven't tried somewhere around my office. I mean, I, Don Quixote only has three-four verses - how long can my head keep playing this?

Scribble to Theo

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