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2001-09-27 - 4:02 p.m.

Premieres and Paperwork

Flagwatch Day 16: I scored several more small flags yesterday, but still no full sized Old Glory.

My officemate is refusing to take the hint and get rid of his banshee like computer. With my hearing range, it's like being trapped in an airplane, sitting next to a screaming baby for ten hours a day. I've asked our management to send the computer back, and I'm trying not to be mean to my officemate, who keeps saying he'll call and complain, but does nothing. However, I'm averaging five Advil a day. I don't think even Alan could move my neck muscles at this point. This must cease.

Nevertheless, engineers always seek solutions. For the short term, Roland found some extra ear plugs in the shop. Put those in, slap on the headphones, MUCH better. I can't hear my phone, my boss talking to me, or that banshee hard-drive. There are pluses to this situation.

Except now The Man of La Mancha is stuck in my head. I've tried Phantom, Chess, Shrek, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Special K, Black Lab, Wagner, Sheryl Crow and still my head is playing I, Don Quixote, the man of La Mancha� It's a great song, but someone change the channel.

I watched TV and did KMoL paperwork last night. Buffy, Enterprise Premiere and Wolf Lake later, four more reports are done.

Let me just say this about list office paperwork. If you want your name spelled correctly on your card and the fighter lists, PRINT NEATLY because I will spell it exactly how I manage to read it. If you wait three months and don't get your fighter card, pause to wonder if your contact information was legible or if your cards are in my 'Insufficient Address' file.

Enterprise was fine - didn't blow me away, but a decent start. I'm not sure the writing's good enough to capture my attention - might not make the must-see-TV list. Frankly, the Vulcan Science Officer T'Pol (?) came across as the most vibrant character. The captain and the others were a bit of a caricature. Hopefully, future episodes will deepen the characters. Why did they belabor the captain's father issue explanation? Why didn't they just let that come out naturally rather than explaining/flashbacking it to death?

I guess I'm spoiled by the tighter writing and amazing throwaway dialogue on things like West Wing, Babylon 5 and Buffy.

No Trekkies flagwaving, please. I love Trek. I love B5. I even like Battlestar Galatica. (Tbone looks like a Cylon in his helmet). There's no need to prove any show superior - just enjoy what you like.

Wolf Lake was better than I expected. It was on and I was still doing paperwork, so I watched it. It didn't fall into the exposition trap (yay), but barrelled full throttle into a story and let you infer the situation. I hate the fake 'I'm explaining this to the other actor so the audience can hear' dialogue.

Scribble to Theo

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