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Just for Pope Gregory...

Finding the nativity

An accelerated rate

To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2001-09-25 - 8:28 a.m.

Monday Squared

Monday morning, I'm trying to pour myself a bottle full of green tea to take to work and I can't find my PPG squeeze bottle. After wasting three minutes on that, I give up and get a plastic tumbler, which I fill and sit down on the wrong side of the counter's edge.

This means my floor got a green tea bath this morning. Pause while I mop when I'm already running late. Is green tea good for wood? And that was the last of the tea, no time to brew more.

Can't find my backpack - finally locate it already in the car and it has my squeeze bottle (which could've prevented the entire tragedy) still in it.

Pause to be very grateful I can complain about petty annoyances with all that's going on in our land. My boss has instituted a new sign-in every morning policy so he can always verify who's on site. He had to provide that information during September 11th evacuation and had trouble, so we have a new policy.

I make it to work, only to find major disk space problems on my mainframe which is impeding my team's ability to work. Also spent two hours helping the network folks trouble shoot stuff in our building - it's sometimes inconvenient being the clueful user closest to the network equipment closet.

Bright spot in the day - Mel calls and is safely in Montana.

My officemates banshee like computer continues to scream. Safety measured it at 72 dB - the OSHA limit is 80 dB. The average office (noisy reception area) is 55-60 dB. I leave work with my neck and teeth aching.

Fight my way home in the pouring rain, change clothes and head to the event site. We're measuring hall and field tonight.

Get my Acorn - find out the wrong flyer got published for Pilgrim's Tale. The updated flyer had things like the trolls correct phone number (problems with the phone company), the schedule, the A&S rules, �. Sigh. I wonder if my KMoL policy changes made it - I didn't check last night.

Drive through the downpour to upper part of Montgomery County. Start measuring the site. Pause to talk to the caretaker who doesn't know me, but remembers waking up to a different century when we used the site last year, so he makes the connection.

Meet Gregge, who lets me into the hall the back way. Spend awhile trying to get the front door open for Badouin and the boy scout troop (that must have been an interesting conversation) who are huddled on the front porch area avoiding the torrent. Measure the hall and plan d�cor around the Scout troop planning extreme troop adventures (when did boy scouts start considering sky diving field trips? And isn't the mohawk thing out?) Luckily for our Shire, Badouin does staging professionally, so the hall d�cor should look very cool.

We finish the hall a little before 8. Gregge heads home - Badouin and I go out to measure the field, out in the pitch dark pouring rain with the measuring wheel. Now I know how Kevin felt at 20 year. (Sweetie - I have your measuring wheel. Bring it back soon.)

Is Monday over yet?

We declare victory at 8:30 and I'm realizing I have to get home to change the tape for Angel (premiere night) - I have half an hour to get from Damascus to my house in a horrible storm.

I'm very grateful I still have energy to worry about things like television shows. I'm grateful I can still drive through peaceful, pretty country (even if the weather was horrendous) and enjoy the flags flying along the way.

Cosmically odd coincidence of yesterday: Just as I leave site, Wagner's "Twilight of the Gods", the Rhine Voyage comes on the radio - eerie, German music suitable for racing down a wild river, perfect for barreling down dark county roads in a wild storm. If you don't think it's good theme music for this, but a tape and wait for a storm.

I call Gen, who puts a tape in her VCR for me. I make it home just a few minutes after 9, to find Roland (who's supposed to be at fight practice) already there trying to change the tape. I'm so soaked to the bone from standing in the rain for hours, I strip down in the laundry room and wander out wearing the couch blanket.

I'm cold and miserable but Roland sees the toga as a very interesting development.

Honey, I love you, but I'm wet and freezing and - Hey! Now, look here tiger boy�!

I'm trying to look, but you're not cooperating.

Roland has the best lines sometimes.

Gen calls to tell me her taping of Angel has failed. (Gotta find the manual for Gen's VCR and teach her.) But, as timing worked out, I only missed the first few minutes, so all is really just fine. My attempt to tape the Buffy reruns failed too - finger slip on the number pad and we're on the wrong channel.

Roland didn't make it to practice because Route 1 into College Park was entirely blocked. As we discover from my mom calling us at 6:30 am this morning, Maryland made the national news with flooding and tornadoes. Two students lost their lives last night - a tragedy we didn't need on top of the terrorist attacks. Thank God Roland just gave up and came home rather than staying out in the tornado area.

Nature and terrorists - uncontrollable things which leave you with a feeling of helplessness.

At least we can do something about terrorism.

Scribble to Theo

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