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House and a shelf

2001-09-24 - 4:39 p.m.

All the colors of the rainbow

I've always had a colorful personality, but this weekend was an intense experience in tints as much of this weekend was spent painting.

Painting what, you ask? Check the front of your October Acorn. My Shiremate, Failenn, did that illumination for our upcoming Pilgrim's Tale event. She also transferred the design to a fabric banner for hall decoration. She left the 5' long banner and lots of fabric paint at my house on Thursday night.

Mia, Kitten, Failenn and I painted a good chunk of the banner Thursday night. Mia (accompanied by her soon to be born son Lukas Stop kicking me in the ribs kid!) and I stayed up until midnight painting because it was fun and we didn't have to work Friday.

I forgot how seductive coloring books and crayons can be. It's art without much effort. Little thought, big payoff, just color in the squares carefully.

There's a gospel song called 'Colors of the Rainbow' which is about keeping your faith despite adversity. It's been a good theme for recent weeks.

Friday, I went downstairs for breakfast, but that banner was lying there, crying - 'Just paint one more square'. Two hours later, I finally ate breakfast. Roland came downstairs and I talked him into helping. Really, we can stop whenever we want, honey. He looked skeptical.

This thing's like crack.

Failenn called about the time I was trying to copy her illumination's wash effect with fabric paint, which is not easy let me tell you about it girlfriend, so I told her all about it. Poor Failenn. She just wanted her mold sent to the event with Roland.

We stopped about 5 pm, in time for Alan and Gen's last BBQ of the season. I got most of the paint off before dinner - I'm legendarily messy with paint. As in never give me the paint sprayer. But I did paint with my clothes on this time, Gen.

Last grill fest of the season - hanging with Rob and Isobel, Q and QPM and Cousin Katie, Monkey boy and Tonton. Sandy and Carla, whom I haven't seen in way too long, came. My favorite demoness did a nice voice of reason bit - Bob, don't throw your keys into the bushes while trying to catch that bat. The best way to lure a bat is throw small objects in his path to ping his radar and lure him to chase them. But I have the extra set, just in case. Joined Kelly in tormenting the Os (but we have to spare Os, cause he makes fantastic mead!). Hamster boy and Gina were there. Kyna and I got sucked into the new leather sofa, which was (a) near the Scotch bar (b) near Gen's art books and (c) close to the ice cream. And Jimmy - who else grills in a shoulder holster?

I love my friends. I always have things to talk about on Monday morning.

By Saturday the banner was in the 'sharpie in the edges' stage, so I did errands including buying sharpies. Roland went to Storvik Champions to marshal. I spent the day on a major grocery store run and other shopping. (Kevin - I fixed the toilet seat - it's safe to come back.) Also, did you know they make Twix ice cream? I so couldn't resist.

Mel came over to hang out a bit before another trip to Libby, Montana. I should've lent her cowboy themed romance novels for the plane.

Kyna and Rags came over after the event. I put together the fixings for pizza. I make good pizza. I got the dough recipe [Insert Roland's voice saying Flirted! Shamelessly flirted it out of the pizza chef!] from our favorite pasta spot (Pasta Plus in Laurel). The chef scribbled down the ingredients for me (Here you go -remember to divide by 300.) and this stuff just rocks.

Saturday evening, I went Mia's baby shower for little Lukas, deserting my guests just after they go there - which tormented my little Southern soul. (Go ahead and laugh, Gen. Meng's understands me.) Rags contented himself with the Elfquest graphic novels rather than my company, but he did promise to miss me. Roland and Kyna didn't miss me at all - safely absorbed in metal artisan books and museum pictures. At least I thought they were safely occupied�

Mia's shower was lovely. She's going to make such a good mom - already has possible home schooling circculums ready to go depending on the baby's personality. I also got to see her sister Hraefn, down from AEthelmearc. Their coronation site is 80 miles from the PA crash. Shiver. The spring Al-Hafla event may get cancelled - with current events, it just doesn't seem advisable to have ~200 people suddenly appear in a small PA town dressed in Middle Eastern garb.

Who makes up shower games, by the way? We played 'How many squares of toilet paper will wrap around the pregnant woman?' and 'Identify the baby food without labels?' They only do this to groups of women. What do the guys do for baby celebrations? Hang out good cigars and take ribbing about diapers? I feel this is unfair, like the fact most guys only have to own three or four pairs of shoes.

I headed back home. Found Kymber sucked into the Witchblade tapes Dammit Pavla. Alan and Gen had dropped by to leave me tables and benches for my upcoming event (Thanks guys! You should've kicked my ass to pick them up, but thanks) before heading out to a dinner date. Mel didn't make it back for dinner (pout), cause her other plans came through. So I made pizza without her. Rags got cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese and bacon. Kyna and I had roasted red pepper, sauted mushrooms, and portabello (Gen, you should've stayed - protein diet or not it was so worth it). Roland opted for meat lovers. Yummmmmm. I love homemade pizza.

� No they weren't safely occupied. Did you know Kymber hates it when lines don't connect? She and Roland, rather than staying safely absorbed in the books, took sharpie markers to the banner. Kymber had to lengthen the knights' spears so they made physical sense. Darn you, Kyna - it took several coats of paint to fill in the ink outline. I hope you are happy. Next time, figure out the specific gravity of smiley faces by yourself.

We spent Saturday even in the post pizza glut happy sleepy hanging out phase - talking everything important and nothing in particular (though I am disturbed Rags could see BdB and T as life partners) planning overly ambitous A&S projects and other practical jokes.

Sunday morning found Kymber again absorbed in Witchblade. (Having learned about the Ragnarr karma, Kyna packed PJ's in a fit of contingency planning.) I made bacon and biscuits for a rudimentary breakfast. Roland wandered downstairs in a T-shirt proclaiming Plays well with others which completely cracked me up. Sleepy Sunday brunch with friends. Excellent.

Afternoon was spent on autocrat duties, brief nap, reading, A&S projects. The nap cost me - I still have MoL paperwork to catch up on this week. We were painting the edge of the crack-known-as-the-banner when QPM dropped by to use the machine for buttonholing. Thanks to her color sense, we got the background color mixed and Roland filled that in.

Dinner was leftover pizza including the one cheese,cheese,cheese,cheese slice that escaped Chuck. Excellent.

Flagwatch, day 13. Home Depot got 500 flags in Thursday, which sold out by the time I went to check on Friday. The only evening I didn't drop by because I had to get home for Shire projects.

Bubbles got me a small flag and Buttercup found me flag magnets for my car. Thanks fellow PPG!

But I still want my own full-sized Old Glory.

And I still have blue and white paint on my hands. Where did that come from?

Scribble to Theo

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