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2001-09-16 - 4:51 p.m.

Struggle for Equilibrium

I wept all the way home Friday - wept at the American flags on the cars, on the bridges around the DC beltway, wept at the news of the survivors, wept at the President's speech to the WTC rescue workers, wept for our losses. My husband is always alarmed when I do this, but I find it cathartic and I felt much better for it.

By the way, every store in the DC area is out of flags. That makes me proud of my fellow citizens. Michael's craft store has a sign on the door 'No American flags in stock'. Home Depot should have some tomorrow. Until then I must content myself with red, white and blue ribbon on the mail box.

We watched part of a Disney movie - which made me weep some more - Balto is the story of the first Iditarod. In case you didn't know, the race is run in memorum of the desperate attempt to get vital medicine to Nome. When all other transport methods failed, they sent the medicine by dogsled, traveling through an impossible storm from Anchorage to Nome.

Heroism above and beyond the call of duty seems to be a theme for this week past.

I was very happy to see Kevin and Jake, who came up for dinner Friday evening. Kevin made us a lovely apricot glazed chicken. Funny thing about Kevin is he's tall. I'm not. Consequently, he can't find a darn thing in my kitchen, because he's naturally looks on the shelves I can't even reach.

Theo, watching him mix up the glaze in my rarely used salad bowl: I do have mixing bowls on the bottom shelf.

Kevin: Yeah, I just don't notice anything below my waist. Okay now...

We spent the evening in serious conversation about inconsequential things. Here's a new game for you. If you made a sock puppets, what would it say? Let me tell you, Kevin's would be NR-17 rated sock puppets. Gen's would be like the Muppet show. Wayne's would carry guns.

We also discovered my cat is deathly afraid of the Devil Duckie. One little squeak and the cat's hair stood on end. Garibaldi watched the DD like a mongoose watches a snake - fled in terror as it moved toward him.

Garibaldi met Isobel early in his life when I scooped him out of a box of kittens at Highland River Melees four or five years ago. Finn: And, this is the bad kitty. He kept escaping from the box the entire drive up here. Of course Theodora wants the bad kitty. I cuddled the little grey and white ball of fluff against my chest and slowly walked toward Roland, who was by the rapier field.

They spot me coming, see the cooing and petting and turn to Roland. In a show of support, his fellow fighters sing-song at him You're going home with a kitty. You're .... By the time I got there and asked Can I keep him?, apparently looking downright pitiful and adorable all at once, Roland just shook his head in surrender.

Anna (Victoria), our resident vet, checked him over - palpating the kitten and mewing at it, which is probably why he's always been a bit leary of her. Isobel introduces him to the game, 'kitty-come-home-from-the-hunt', where you pick the tiny kitten up with their feet like game trussed on a stick and swing him gently about. It doesn't hurt small kittens (though full grown cats hate it) but it does make them take notice. Maybe Garibaldi senses Isobel has influence through DD. Maybe he remembers. Maybe he just finds DD very disturbing.

Saturday we spent painting Shire gear. We're putting together hall and field decor for the October event. It was a gorgeous day, clear blue sky and great fun. Chon was a gracious host as we slopped paint all over his backyard and his brother Omar, who was visiting from the East, pitched in gamely. Omar is seneschal of a New Jersey barony and had left Duke Timothy in charge of the weekend's activities. I know Tim's a Duke and he's managed to run Kingdoms, but I remember Squire Tim, and the thought of him in charge just makes me chuckle. I only painted Badouin once on purpose - the rest was an accident as we all got carried away with the sponge painting.

We all agreed it was a good day, productive and the company was just what we needed after a horrible, horrible week. But we did stop and take notice of an airplane in the sky.

Scribble to Theo

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