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2001-09-17 - 2:08 p.m.

All that evil requires

Radio sound bite from this morning - video rentals are way up - the most popular selections are comedies and documentaries on Nostradomus. We all know Byram and I get freaky about the Nostradomus/Middle East prophecies, but that's left over watching that damn video at too young an age. Why are people looking at this thing now? Yes, I believe in the unseen, but I don't think this is constructive.

"For the deeds of a man, not the words of a prophecy, are what shape his destiny." -L. Alexander. The High King

Apparently people need escape from the news. I'm with them. Give me news, but stop giving me informed commentary and expert speculation. The Red Cross has started running public service ads about coping, including information on where to get grief counseling. Their top suggestion is to stop watching the constant replay on the news. Why are some of the stations using the crash of the towers as background for the talking head commentary? It's really in poor taste.

We're going to war.

It won't be like the Gulf War where the goals were straightforward, the opposing army was sympathetic to our cause and many of their soliders surrendered happily. We knew where we were going, we knew when we were finished, and we were able to keep the casualities very low.

I'm afraid of where this war on terrorism will lead.

Stories of citizens turning on Americans of Arab heritage - isn't that the same crime? Practicing terror against an innocent based on our perception of them? That has to stop. Christian, we're going to need a lot of room on the wall in the coming weeks.

This is a war against shadows and cowards. When do you decide you've won?

Still, this must be done. And it's harder because we have to be patient.

All evil requires to flourish is for men of good conscience to stand by and do nothing.

Home Depot won't have flags until tomorrow.

I'm slowly starting to feel better, but the tragedy keeps lurking in the background. It's hard to avoid, hard to keep on with business as usual.

Scribble to Theo

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