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2001-07-30 - 9:58 a.m.

Chicken Soup

Ugh. I�ve been nursing a cold since Thursday. Thursday night was spent napping in half and hour increments, leading to a Friday spent on the couch alternating between (a) being cranky (b) being too awake to sleep (c) thumbing through daytime television and (d) being too sleepy to stay awake.

I hate being sick. Just to give you a glimpse of my world, here�s things I do when sick:

Take over the sofa. Let me tell you, just because the marriage vows say �In sickness and in health,� try not to be sick at the same time because then you both want the sofa. Remember, when sick everyone behaves like a cranky five year old and does not want to share.

Fix chicken soup and add lots of cheese and crackers. (Rob and Mel call this traditional food �cracker mush�)

Take Nyquil go straight to bed lest I embarrass myself. Nyquil makes me drunkier than any kind of alcohol on the planet. Ask Alan, Gen and Rob. They persuaded me to head out to the Outback Friday night as I was coming down after an afternoon dose of Nyquil. Punchy Theodora is realllllly interesting.

Read bad romance novels because who cares if you fall asleep in the middle of them?

My high school Advanced Composition teacher once explained that romance novels are like brain floss - and she's right. You know how they'll end, they come cheap (or free at the library) and you don't have to pay much attention. These are the only books that I can either skip to the end and read the last chapter if they're bad or, alternatively, just not finish.

Mel and I used to buy them in the used bookstore by category, a big bag just before finals to provide stress relief. Amongst our favorite categories are "Bad Hero Name" (really, who names their kids 'Storm', 'Flint', 'Raven'? C'mon.) and "Bad Title" ("Black Diamond Lover" and "Blue Sky Guy"? Ah - the infamous Blue Sky Guy novel which led to Mel storming out of the bathtub, where she'd been enjoying a relaxing novel and a good soak, stomping into the living room in nothing but a towel and yelling at me for not warning her about the alien babysitters plot twist in this novel. That one was really bad. I'm still sorry about that Mel. I should've saved you.)

If you really want comic relief, pick up a bad romance novel and attempt to read it aloud. No one, and I mean, no one, really talks or thinks the way these things are written. Padriaga lasted under thirty seconds before she couldn't continue because she was laughing too hard. (Okay, that really wasn't fair - we gave her a novel where the villain's name was Arthur.) I think Cynwrig could turn Isobel into a hamster ball in about twenty seconds using this technique - or Kevin using his announcer voice. Kevin and Cynwrig in a reading duet. (Never visualize.) We could sell tickets.

Pennsic preparation proceeds slowly since I spent large chunks of the past four days sleeping. I managed to sort through my garb and finish repairs. Of course, I still have a few more pieces of sewing to do. Sadly, my extra projects probably won�t happen since I lost a couple days to this damn cold.

Oh, yeah, I need to decide what to do about cooking, packing food, etc�

We did manage to find stage gels (the colored plastics used to filter theatre lights). Alan, Gen and Rob spent Saturday afternoon turning these into a filter/shade for the ugly Coleman latern. It makes the latern looks a bit like the great pumpkin on the rise but it�s so much better than icky white coleman light that we�ll live.

Between naps, I put together another underdress and a cotehardie. Of course, they still need all the finish work done, but that�ll happen sooner or later. I swear, I�m developing sewing calluses.

Susan came over and made many more Spike & Crossbones on the wonderous Janome embroidery machines. That woman should be sainted. She�s tiny, but she�s mighty!

And Mel�s home! Yay Mel. We had dinner Sunday night with Alan, Gen, the returning Mel, Rob and our resident demoness (cute in leopard print) Laura. Hanging with Laura is always educational. Yesterday, we all learned how to sign "Don't touch the squirrel," an issue which comes up more often amongst our friends than you might think. Especially since Gen talks squirrel at me all the time. And we all wonder about Robert de Rath's, um, obsession with the squirrel.

Less than a week until land grab�

Scribble to Theo

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