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To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2001-07-26 - 8:17 a.m.


It�s been a rather intense few days at work. Hell, it�s been a WEEK at work. I did manage to leave before dark yesterday. But, alas, no rest, for I had a bunch of SCA stuff to do in the evening.

You know that feeling when you desperately want to relax but must work? It�s that pre-exam, gosh-I-want-to-sleep,-but-damn-I-have-junk-to-do feeling?

Just two hours of mindless television which will segue into a nap followed by bed, that�s all I wanted. But I had promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep.

To finish the evening�s work, I imposed on my sweet, kind, clever Roland to edit something I had written.

Roland: Did you mean �of� or �of the� or�?

Theodora: (desperately want to be done with this thing): Look, it�s fine the way it is or you can change, I mean I don�t care �. [Insert 30 seconds of me explaining why the thing I asked him to fix is just fine the way it is. Picture Rob staring at me like I�m a space alien thinking very loudly, "So I�m trying to do what you asked and you are wigging out. If you think it�s fine, why am I editing it? That was the deep end, and I think you just went over the line." Finally, I catch his telepathic message, and meekly wind down with, I�m wound a little tight, aren�t I?

Roland: Baby, if you were a rubber band airplane, you would be transatlantic! You, you could GO THE DISTANCE!

Blink. Stare. Blink.

Dissolve into laughter.

Ah, stress relieving laughter the kind that comes when you realize you are *so* taking yourself too seriously.

The kind of laughter when you realize it�s not that funny and continue to laugh even harder. Curl into a shaking hamster ball on the kitchen floor. Slowly calm down, climb to my feet, kiss my slightly freaked husband, go downstairs to get a cold cider. Explain to Q why there was five minutes of hysterical laughter above the armor shop.

Ah, the blissful relaxation from letting go.

I love my Roland. I truly don�t deserve him, but at least I add constant comic relief to his life.

Scribble to Theo

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