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2006-05-16 - 10:24 p.m.

Wet tshirt contests

Today's best quotes from my loons, I mean colleagues.

Theo: Knock it off, or I will throw an alien at your head.

Random passerby interrupts the confrontation to defend his territory: You're not throwing *my* alien. *My* alien is driving a corvette and that could hurt.

... the curve overbounds too much. Once you refit tight to the data peaks, like a wet tshirt hugging the curves, you don't overestimate the energy.

(Only our female team members seem to get away with saying that in public)
(I did not originate that one.)

And a survey question. If you were putting something on the back of a team tshirt would it be:

(a) Control freaks.
(b) In control
(c) Control your attitude.

Guestbook replies:

Yes, Stacy's mom, they were *the* Fountains of Wayne.
(Who's Stacy's mom?)

Scribble to Theo

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