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2006-03-31 - 12:27 p.m.

Return of the Jedigneers

Best responses to the life and times of Darth Tater.

Second place to Mr. Of Thornbury with �Use the fork, Cuke.�
But first I must give to Roland�s �Come to the crispy side!

Yesterday, our biggest accomplishment was not dropping anything.
We moved a metric ton of lab equipment to remote test facilities. Loading the big cargo truck was so nerve-wracking our electrical techs left rather than watch us not drop anything.

Our item to test, we put in my truck where one of the engineers � the owner of Darth Tater in fact - climbed in the back to cradle the trunk holding the triple padded, double bagged unit.

Tech: You want me to leave the tailgate open so you can breathe?

Theo: Nooooo! I never want to have a conversation that begins �� then we dropped to box out of my truck.� Shut the gate! Shut the gate!

In case you have a vision of engineering being slick facilities with white walls and bright and shiny labs, you�re wrong. Hollywood�s wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. It doesn�t look like any sci-fi show except maybe the patchwork vision of Mad Max.

Having negotiated two truck locks, two roll up doors, and dodged the labyrinth of test chambers and cables, we hit the freight elevator which will take us down two floors where we use another lift to go back up half a floor.

Except the freight elevator won�t go. Six engineers and all our equipment trapped with the cage stuck down but the door stuck up. One is exhorting, Push the button, hold it, hold it, keep holding it. while the other says I�m holding, I�m holding.

The rest of us were, unhelpfully, giggling and trying no to look embarrassed as all the passersby watched the trapped group. We might still be there with our two people reciting in a round except someone has a desk just behind the back of the freight elevator. I know this because suddenly there�s a banging on the back wall followed by a disembodied voice yelling Slam the gate up and down by hand a few times.

That guy must say that five times a day.

Having made it down two levels, we start up the half a level lift where Darth Tater�s owner leads a recitation of the climax of �Return of the Jedi� where the emperor rises from the pit.

[Though Roland points out that it's actually Luke rising from the carbonite pit at the end of 'The Empire Strikes Back' - so I've now publicly shamed my geekdom. In my defense, Roland scored higher on the Newsweek 'How much of a geek are you?' quiz - Mainly because he could answer yes to questions like "It's 1 am and you are ... (d) Meeting your guild on World of Warcraft."]

I'm got go track down some data, data I've waited weeks for, data we needed three weeks ago, data that is, thanks to Rosanne Rosanadana finally on it's way, though the path be barred by a funeral, a broken foot and a lack of badged credentials.

It just goes to show ya, it's always something!

Theo: How do you know when engineers are in test? Because you�re so punchy absolutely everything is funny.

Scribble to Theo

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