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2005-06-24 - 8:27 a.m.

Altering moods

Breeze dances across the shaded deck, Creedence Clearwater Revival humming on my laptop.

I am hiding from the office today, spending a blissful day actually working.

Yesterday, I gave my 'Loric' teammate and fellow football a tshirt proclaiming You can't schedule reality.

I should've remembered that giving my team brownies has led to constant pleas for more.

Now, my lively team is thinking up more sarcastic tshirts to request. Unsurprisingly the most creative came from my Damien-archtype. I love this guy, like I love the real D, but I told him there was no way I was giving him a sarcastic shirt before we met with the project guys on Monday for Act III: Working out Our Differences.

I did offer to make him one proclaiming 'Kum-by-ya.' He laughed.

My teammate and I both had incredibly productive days yesterday, in the space between acts in the drama.

Also, I went for Greek food and comic books. Three issues of Amazing Spiderman were waiting, and I'll say just this much about JMS scripts - who else could set up Aunt May teaching Wolverine manners?

Scribble to Theo

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