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2004-10-05 - 11:42 a.m.

Of carpentry and anatomy

(Colin may kill me for this.)

You need to put your nipples down, Colin says to Dairmund, as he explains to jdl and I how to use deck hangers.

I giggled. Now that is something I never thought I'd hear you say to Dairmund.

A deck hanger is a U-shaped piece with flanges pependicular to the U. Nail the flanges to the end board and put the butt of the joist board into the U. The flanges have popped up cleats that do, indeed, look like nipples.

I was one of the weak minds and strong backs who lent a hand to the great ramp raising on Sunday. Oh, wait. I have a weak back. I will say I think Daffyd intends for it to double as a luge.

Props to Victoria, who saved Melisande's azaleas by coaching Heather and company on how to trim them without killing them. I didn't even know azaleas set bud and had to be treated carefully in the fall. Then, again, I hates me azaleas.

Colin, Dairmund and I were given a couple sections to frame up, which was (see above) a fun and educational experience concerning carpentry and the philosophy of hammers. Colin prefers a heavier, longer hammer than my tools. This is what you need for one shotting nails in, says Colin, glancing at me over his glasses in a manner frighteningly similar to Cuan�s. Look at the power and finesse. It was only slightly less disturbing than when Rags decided to be Anton.

Ysar, Shannon and I framed up up one of the long sections before turning it over to Corun, Klaus and Pickle, long section crew. Shannon, Regan, Dairmund and I even put in about a chunk of the planking to form the ramp floor (May I have a screw please, Regan-cutest-girl-ever?, trying to chase the ramp assembly crew of James, Daffyd, Viking, Torvald, Dicken and company down the slowly forming slope.

The arrival of Carolina Forbes baked cookies right in the middle of the afternoon was just what the crew ordered, though the postman (and traffic in general) was remarkably confused by the entire enterprise.

Way successfully project, despite the fact Daffyd has joined me in the 'We Hate Home Depot" coalition. (Don't ask about the materials order.)

In other anatomical and educational discussions of last week, I put my new laptop and docking station into service. First pass into a docking station is always a bit dicey, and my colleague (who has the same setup) gave me a hand�

You�ve got to really watch this part near the DVI port. Until you�ve, um, broken it in a few times, it�s hard to mate, er, dock.

I was unable to resist. So, my real problem is I�ve got a virginal DVI port?

Pause. I wasn�t going to say it quite like that�

It�s odd how all the wired world is now connectors and interfaces, yet they all have anatomically inspired names. My first ever engineering job was a 16 year old summer intern. In time honored tradition, the high school intern is given some menial tech job. Mine? Following the computer/tech/cable guy around.

Picture a crusty old tech trying to explain to a 16 year old girl the difference between male and female connectors. It took us an hour, with me being too na�ve to get what he was dancing around and him fighting the urge to flee the room.

Speaking of, I need make a few connections with my teams, see if my engineers are done electrical test, and if the techs are done snarling (verbally and physically) the 2000+ wires in the equipment rack.

For any of you who plowed through all that pathetic geek humor, bye now.

Scribble to Theo

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