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2004-05-14 - 11:44 a.m.

Page twenty-three

I actually did pull the nearest book off my self to see what page 23 boasted as the fifth sentence.

Hmmmm. There is no fifth sentence. Page twenty-three is full of conic sections. So much for that filler entry idea. There are really no words to describe the fine distinction between a hyperbola and a parabola, which is why all sci-fi movies eventually decide mathematics is the universal language.

Even then, I wonder if things wouldn't get lost in translation depending on where the different species stood on the theory of relativity. I mean, if you both have different ideas about the shape and definition of space-time, I think even math would be a language barrier.

(F*ck. I am Velma).

Maybe I should chuck all the technical stuff and open a good restaurant.

Scribble to Theo

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