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2004-04-02 - 4:03 p.m.

Who gave them an 'A'?

So, I'm reading, cause I do that just about as often as I breathe, and the novel has conversation about a flautist.

And the flautist called to confirm. It is a flautist, not a flutist. She was most insistent about that, so I thought you'd like the heads up.
Thanks for the warning.

Why is it a flautist?

A cello player is a cellist. A violin player is a violinist. Piano, pianist.

Why do the flute players deserve to stick an extra 'A' in the intrument name before affixing the '-ist'? Who gave them the 'A'?

Flautist. I've always thought that sounded kind of naughty.

Yes, I really think about this sort of stuff. Yes, it is a constant source of ... amazement to my sweet Roland, in whose honor I had my toes painted purple yesterday.

Did the spa day thing. Massage, hair, pedicure, manicure. It was fabulous.

No one told me there were rules to manicures. (Meng, where are you when I need you?)

No one's helped me put my socks on since I was about four, but the manicurist either (a) wanted me to sit there for another fifteen minutes while the polish cured or (b) wanted me to not touch anything, espescially fabric with the evil fibers. I let her help me put the socks on so I could go home.

I've been getting regular massages lately. Actually, I've been doing a lot of maintenance lately. Tendonitis is looming again, after that spate of back pain a few weeks ago, so I've been on the round of check-ups. Massage is breaking up a lot of fascia and other tenseness ergo better movement, easier to exercise. Besides, I like it.

Let me tell you, nothing keeps you honest on your exercise and stretching routine like seeing a massuse regularly. You can try to lie to them, but, trust me, they know.

Scribble to Theo

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