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2004-02-19 - 11:52 a.m.


Just an entry to say, sniffle.

Watching daytime TV makes me think of BdeB because Scooby-Doo cartoons are on all the damn time. Thank God for M*A*S*H on DVD.

I went to Ymir, and it was fabulous and all I got was this lousy cold.

(Actually, that's not true. I got smores, quality hang time with many of my peeps, a commission from bdeb, fabulous hospitality from Windmasters, the knot removed from my shoulder by Margaret, a care package from Benefse, and Valentine's card hidden in my bunk.

Also learned a new way to measure temperature.
How cold was it?
It was so cold Theo was wearing her cap of maintenance.

Yes, I put fruitcake on my head cause it's the only fur lined thing I own. I should remedy that, and would if I had the time to get near my sewing room.)

I skipped worked Wednesday and Thursday, working half days from home kind of thing.

It's good to be sick in some ways. I telecon'ed in and we successfully negotiated and interface we'd been having trouble agreeing on for months. I think they were being nice to me cause I sounded so pitiful. That, or the deep sexy voice (from the phlegm) was most persuasive.

It's good to be sick cause I can hang out in the comfy almost-done home office. The lovely new furniture arrived last week, and the room is piled in transition between old office and new office.

Of course, I put my back out on Monday doing all sorts of things, some of them relating to moving about said office stuff. I have put so much heat on my back that my lower spinal column is convinced it's moved to the Carribbean. No, I couldn't just get a cold - I had to also aggravate all my back injuries.

Still, this seems to be passing. I have a massage scheduled for this evening, which is sufficient enticement to leave the house. Espescially since I'm running out of crackers for chicken soup.

Scribble to Theo

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