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2004-01-27 - 1:34 p.m.

Spots and Dots

You never outgrow that seven year old�s wish that obligations be cancelled for an unexpected holiday. Thus, Sunday evening found me whining pitifully to my mother hoping work would be cancelled on Monday.

I know God will not give me more than I can handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much. - Mother Teresa

Thank God, for I had a much needed rest on Monday. Slept late. Painted the office in preparation for new furniture arrival.

Now, me painting is usually pretty colorful, both in language and results. Oh, I do I great job. I just tend to wind up, um, freckled.

Theo tends to get into her medium, whatever than may be. - Alan Gravesend.

Late afternoon inspection found paint in my hair, on my feet (having soaked in through the socks), and freckles in blue and white all over my face. My hands were nearly coated with latex � but the room looks great.

Reminds me of the comic book character � what was it? � Dot Polka? The little brunette obsessed with polka dots. What was she from? L�il Archie or Richie Rich? Well, she was lame. I�ve never liked polka dots.

Luckily, this is why God invented buffing cream and plastic loofahs, to peel paint of Theo.

I finished trimming out the room this morning, and am finally sitting down for an afternoon of work. The inbox has peaked to 174 pending email messages, none of which are my top priority.

In other news, Roland is safely in Japan. After a lovely day at Stierbach invesisture, I we were up at 4:30 am to drop Roland at Dulles for his flight to the Pacific Rim. Two hours there and back�

If God meant for man to fly, He would�ve made it easier to get to the airport.

� before I crawled back in bed and slept till late Sunday afternoon.

After unloading the truck � Alan and Gen arrived in a telepathic moment just as I reached their borrowed gear: That was serendipitous and creepy all at once � I spent most of the evening puttering at cleaning up the wreck that is my house.

At least until studying the weather report, thus winding up on the phone with my Mom hoping for snow.

And now that this entry has become self referential, I should dive into this pile of work.

Later, more about Stierbach Investiture and how to capture a Pelican.

Scribble to Theo

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