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2003-08-02 - 10:07 p.m.

Illicitly packed

7:30 pm.

The truck was completely packed for Pennsic by 7:30.

We walked around Gray a couple times, swimming through the sauna of our driveway just to double check. I turned to Roland and said I feel like, somehow, we've just had illicit sex.

He grins.

It's so UnSCAdian. Having the truck packed before dark. Watching a movie. It feels so impossibly naughty.

Ah, but we will not damned, because Roland is now back in the shop working on another project and I am on the computer soley for the purpose of printing out Nia's Drama index so I can keep score at Pennsic.

Thanks be to the SCA. TM by supfiggy

Scribble to Theo

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