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2003-08-18 - 1:16 p.m.

How to clean practically anything

The new life form that evolved on the stake and rope bags: Mix in hot bleach water and wash twice.

Do not mix bleach and oxyclean

Rust off eating knives: Paper towel, soaked in vinegar. Pour salt on top. Rub vigorously over rusted surface. Towel clean with vinegar. Polish with olive oil.

Iron oxide residue from the Pennsic water: Remove from the pretty Italian pitcher that held flowers for two weeks with a salt/vinegar paste. Let set for an hour then scrub clean with cold water.

Junk I cannot identify from a white scarf: Soak in oxyclean and keep running it through the wash.

The funky smell in all the hangings: Spray liberally with febreeze and leave sprawled over the stair rails. Comfort bemused cat who cannot thread his way through the stair railings.

Smell from coolers: Wash with dish soap. Air dry. Rub down with vanilla flavoring (real vanilla, not imitation). Let sit in sun, store with a container of fresh baking soda.

Black grunge from feet: Pumice stone and Mary Kay body wash. Repeat, just cause it feels good.

The cat is grumpy, our lawn is overgrown, and I had to fold laundry for half an hour this morning to locate clean clothes for work.

There are 248 email message awaiting and an entire afternoon of meetings to read them.

Yawn. I cannot wait to go home.

Home, to where my freezer holds Cooper�s Chocolate Milk Ice Cream.

Thanks be to the SCA.
And the cows.
And Hershey�s chocolate.

Scribble to Theo

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