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House and a shelf

2003-01-17 - 7:46 a.m.

What color is your welkin?

The sun rises slowly outside my office window. Layers of thin stratonimbus clouds bathed red, gold and purple, that purple-grey which is the color of budding heather. The light dusting of snow echoes back the morning, reflecting pink against the winter blue sky.

Best show in town.

Roland and I had a strange discussion about the color of the sky on our drive to Twelfth Night. I can tell the season from the color of the sky. There is a difference between the bleak, pale winter color and the rich and wavering cerulean of summer. Autumn has a clarity of blue different from all other seasons.

Roland thinks I�m crazy.
Well, he thinks that in general, but he has finds this particular observation odd because in his world, the sky is always blue.

I suppose that�s fair. In Gen�s world, the sky is always purple.

A good week. Let�s count blessings.

A pause for the gift of a glass of wine and fine conversation on an evening fraught with running errands.

A discussion of Thoreau, cooking, truth, baked oranges, dreams, beauty and where monkeys keep their brains.

The fluid dynamics of an apple versus a sausage.

Warm cheese sandwiches on a cold evening. Companionship while sewing. Ostrich feathers on a sweater. Help with the pliers and a gift of duct tape.

Dancing in a shower of snow under the Home Depot parking lot lights.

Random messages of love from my one true.

A meeting of good friends tonight. Anticipation of fried chicken and smores and cheap wine.

Sun's up and I have technology information to compile, schedules to keep, parts to evaluate for radiation.

But the sunrise was delicious.

Scribble to Theo

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