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2002-12-08 - 11:49 p.m.

Grout and Applesauce

Look, there�s no need to panic. You�re just starting a conversation. It�s not that big a deal � you�re just looking for a reaction, any reaction at all is fine � except maybe projective vomiting, but, really what are the chances? -Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

We planned to go to Unevent. Really.

Backtrack to Thursday, joyous Snow Day. They closed my work, Roland stayed home, I slept late � Should�ve been the entre to an unexpected four day weekend. I was vaguely thinking of buying a sled .


Stomach flu bacteria evil death thing happened.

So, instead of going to Unevent, attending a few meetings, cheering for my wonderous successor person, Emma, and hanging out, here what I learned:

*Television programming loops if you are stuck on the couch for the entire weekend. Watched the end then the beginning of a �Betty Page� special over a several day lapse.

*They show a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns.

*I really need to regrout the guest bathroom floor.

*We have a lot of couch blankets for fevered people to sleep under and you need a lot because sick, grumpy, unreasonable people will not share, and when you have two of them�

*I�m glad we have several bathrooms in the house, just for that change of scenery.

*I really hate Bob Villa. He�s smug. We should maroon him on a dessert island with Martha Stewart and see what they can do with coconuts and palm fronds. Hah. It�ll probably better than that Trading Space episode when the unfortunate ceiling fan.

*I haven�t eaten applesauce in years. I�m still not that fond of it.

*Rearranging your videotapes eventually becomes a fascinating activity. Oh, bless me, I found all my Tick cartoon. Spoon!

And, to balance the cosmic unfairness of the world, we seem to mending just in time to go back to work.

Christmas decorations? Ask me tomorrow. After I vacuum and mop. You know, when you collapse on the floor, you really notice that dirt.

Scribble to Theo

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