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Just for Pope Gregory...

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2002-10-21 - 1:21 p.m.

Fleury of Gen

[So, Crusades was 10 days ago. I�ve been busy.]

Me from the passenger seat on the drive to Crusades: ... and it's been such a busy week, I haven't had a chance to decide what to say for Gen. I don't want to screw it up.
Roland: Just relax. Just think of it as an open mike night.
Are you high? Open mike?
Yeah, you know, maybe a joke?
A joke? Open mike? You mean like this: "Hey, welcome to open mike night here in Cuan and Padraigin's court. I'd like to lighten things up on this joyous occasion and perhaps start off with a little song. A song about a duck. And I'd like to hear the East come in really strong on the boo-bop-be-do's. 'Rubber duckie, you're the one, you make bathtime lots of fun...'"
Roland convulsed with laughter in the driver's street, egging me on in the classic bad influence kind of way.
"'... you make bathtime lots of fun.' Bathtime - what kind of fun would that be without bubbles. What would any of our lives be without our Bubbles?' Roland is still no help. I glare at him. No, no, no. This is a *bad* idea.

That to you people who think Roland's so effin innocent.
Be glad I have more dignity.
Be glad my singing is much better in print that in audio.

Gen's husband, Alan, and her Laurel, Thjora, had been plotting for weeks and weeks. Thjora did an amazing job arranging everything, with minimal assistance from me and lots from AoD. Or, as Alan put it...

"We are doing things this way ... partly because I can be a real nitwit when it comes to food and arts & crafts stuff, and partly because it will be much easier to keep things a secret this way!"

My task was turning green silk turned into a three quarter circle cloak through the power of geometry. (Math is hard.) But this is my Gen, my style-above-all, service-before-everything, Genevieve. No, plain green just won't do, so I covered it with white fleurs-de-lys. Thirty-six as Gen so carefully counted.

Hmmm. Wonder what you call a group of fleurs? I say to Roland as I prance around in the cloak.
A fleury of Gen, he says without missing a beat.
Is that like a fluffy fury? Stitch has so not been a good influence on her.

So there I was, Wednesday before Gen�s elevation, congratulating myself on being at the hem stage days early. I was showing everything to Mel in hopes she could wear it for a few minutes whilst I marked the hem but ..


Hi Gen. Oh, you have the package from John? Sure I need it. Motioning at Mel to stay quiet. But you don't have to run it over right now ... Well, if it's no trouble. What am I doing? Bowing to the inevitable, I start folding up the stuff while Mel laughs and laughs. Mel and I are having pizza then she's doing my makeup for Mary Kay. ... Sure come on over.

Frantic scramble to hide stuff in a place Gen won't look and tidy up the sewing room so it doesn't look like I'm in the middle of a mad project that Gen will inquire about.

As Mel watches and helps with the whirlwind tidying - Hey - is it really a good idea to put it all under the guest room bed where the cat Gen's allergic to sleeps?
She won't look there, now will she? I've got to wash it anyway.

Pizza and makeup lasted until midnight in sweet PowerPuff unity.

Friday night, Corbie and Thjora dash between my and Alan's houses, loading various bits of gear. We're running late because of the massive manhunt locking down the 95 corridor. Sniper bastard. I don't want to talk about it.

I iron the freshly washed cloak and sew on the clasps while the cat circles, determined to jump onto the clean fabric. Corbie laughs at me throwing things at Garibaldi.

Meanwhile, Thjora picks up her cell phone and wanders into the living room and calls Gen 'from the road' to see if they can meet us for dinner. Alan dutifully calls back about ten minutes later confirming he's been tasked to make dinner plans.

We call in an order to delivery to Alan and Gen's. Roland, in a fit of madness, decides he will, by God, finish Gen's surprise. Gen entirely buys the "Roland isn't joining us cause he's really tired and is frantically 'fixing armor� " - which looked a lot like a Baronial coronet for Gen when he was done.

All week, Mel pretended to be grumpy and rethink going to the event and I gloated that I wasn't going to get there before noon. Obviously, all a big fat lie. In fact, Gen pulls in right behind the two of us at troll - but she buys the 'Roland didn't tell me he was marshalling first thing' story.

Alan takes Gen to the rapier field where she should be safely occupied � but *no*. She has to be *helpful* - couldn�t she be lazy just once? - and set up tents on the heavy field, in clear line of side of the vigil area surrounded by green and white pennons with all her friends darting busily about. ARGH!

Luckily, Gen didn�t notice. Cause I�m a blonde, yeah, yeah

Even when Their Majesties and an entire stream of other people tromped down to the rapier field to fetch her, it took her a long time to twig.

The vigil hospitality was a splendid �Baroness-Isobel-outdoes-Martha-Stewart� spread. If you didn�t see if, you missed a lovely display. If you didn�t get any of the food, too bad for you.

I spent the rest of the day, while Gen sat in (judging by the laughter from the tent) joyous contemplation, enjoying the company of friends. It�s been three years since I went to an event without having to work during the day and the contrast was very sweet.

Finally, the end of the day brought Genevieve and Brigit into the Order of the Pelican.

I managed to speak for Genevieve without messing up too badly. What did I say? I wrote it down in her vigil book and Colin got live video. Apparently, I even managed to make Anne cry.

Me, two weeks before. I don�t know. I�ve never been a worthy before and I don�t want to screw up. What if I start crying?
says Anne, I think that would be a very sweet tribute, since you are so rarely shaken by anything.
Pause. Great. Now I feel obligated to cry. Anne laughs.

At the end, Gen smiles at me and says very softly Chi. Chi! I reply, loud enough for several people to stare at me.

Court continued very late, and it was almost 9 pm before we were free to search for dinner. Luckily, D�Emma, Nia and Anne had extra food � delicious, hot extra food. When we went to bid them good night, they offered us a place at their table, which was the perfect ending to a lovely day.

[Another day, when there is more time to linger, I will tell you about why pignolas burn, the triteness of obvious evil and explain that globosse, while an adjective, is not a flavor.]

Scribble to Theo

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