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2002-02-21 - 6:38 p.m.

Alphabet soup

Engineers speaks in acronyms. Each new assignment is like learning an entire new language. Oh, wait, I have three new assignments simultaneously. As if learning all the names weren't enough.

So I finished my four meetings and now I'm lying on the couch reading. Today's topic is NGST (Next Generation Space Telescope).

Six pages of acronyms. But that's not the ironic part. The sad thing is over half the acronyms I try to look up are not in the index.

FPE - floating point electronics? Focal plane electronics? EPR - engineering peer review? Electrostatic phase reduction?

Padraiga is with me - she also trying to learn the language and alphabet soup of her new job. Misery loves company, eh?

Gosh, the cat looks so comfy curled up on the pile of 'already ready' documents. I think I'm in the wrong end of this relationship. Housecats sleep 14 hours a day, you know.

I wonder about our cat. Roland dropped his rapier in the floor last night and Garibaldi curled up next to it and stared at the blade for half an hour.

The Cat and the Foil. Sounds like a pub name Purr and Slash?

Scribble to Theo

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