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House and a shelf

2002-02-20 - 5:57 p.m.

When is a laptop not just a laptop?

When you use it as a heating pad.

My back awoke me a 2:40 am Monday night spasming. I took drugs and laid around on the sofa until about 4, when I took the hottest shower on the planet and went back to bed until 10. Needless to say I was rather late for work on Tuesday. But I made it in time for sushi glut with Teresa (happy dance). And I love my boss. I explained to John I had tons of reading to do MEGO, MEGO, MEGO and would he care if I just spent Wednesday at home flat on the couch reading and reading?

He distractedly said that was fine, so I took home a stack of documents and a zip disk full of files.

Happily, my back eased enough so I could cook dinner last night - four women, Buffy reruns and a bottle of good wine. Kitten, Brighid and Gen came over. I miss Brighid - we don't get enough time to hang out. Brighid made the best salad to go with the steak and vegetables. Gen, eyeing the vegetables So, is there meat or ... Me: Well, when you mentioned Kitten was a vegetarian at one point, I changed plans to a nice vegetable ragout...Very french. (God, I do completely make this stuff up.) Gen says suspiciously: You're sassing me, aren't you? Gee, what gave it away?

So good food and wine and an excellent evening of chatter - we talked about TV shows, and Kitten's sewing room (currently under remodeling - and she bought an embroidery machine - another corrupted soul....), and Brighid's hat merchanting ventures, and passed around the laptop to look at various fabric links and the disturbing Xena, Warrior Milkmaid.. Yeah, Gen already posted that along with the scary Peter Pan link again - I cannot believe that man found his Tinkerbell.

Kitten, damn her adorable little soul, brought munchable snack dessert items which were spread over the coffee table during Buffy watching.

So today has been spent in blissful, productive isolation, a sofa for my office, an ottoman for the desk, the cat curled around my Pooh slippers, and (thank you wonderful husband and tech support) wireless internet at my beck and call.

I got about a third of the way through my reading. Gosh, I'd love to stay home tomorrow and read more, but looking at my meeting schedule ....

Scribble to Theo

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