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2002-01-15 - 10:40 a.m.

Deconstruction and Dust Bunnies

Thanks to everyone who contacted me privately and offered to expand my, um, awareness of condom options. I'm frightened, but it's good to know y'all are there for me. I think.

This morning was spent chasing dust bunnies and other equipment around in the great deconstruction of my project's software lab. Ah, the evil project is dead, but I must dispose of the remains - Giving away computers and monitors, moving the printer, boxing up the flamingoes and other lab toys, and cleaning off the quote wall.

Every engineering team seems to accumulate cartoons, chinese fortunes and random things we found funny/ironic/tragic. They get taped up on a vertical surface and eventually have to be taken down to make room for the next team.

So here's excerpts from our now defunct quote wall.

"Be direct, usually one can accomplish more that way."

"It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end."

"Ideas you may believe are absurb ultimately lead to success!"

"It's always easier to face your problems while holding an axe." - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"Promise only what you can deliver."

"I'm certain we will manage to do something reasonably intelligent."

"Everything will go smoothly this week, except for the part with the monkeys and the cream pies."

Guess which one I didn't post?

Scribble to Theo

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