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2001-11-28 - 12:55 p.m.

Happy birthday to my Mother-in-Law (and Jake too!)

Happy 65th birthday to my mother-in-law. My MIL is an amazing and wonderful woman. She was born in Pennsylvania coal country, where she shared a home with an older sister who talks way more than Gen. She's a Katie Gibbs girl, one of the last of the truly amazing adminstrative assistants that kept America running in the '50s.

She married my wonderful father-in-law, a nice German boy with a wild talent for electronics. They looked so young, no one would sell them champagne on their honeymoon. She raised four children splendid children, of which my husband is the youngest (and the cutest).

She loves jewelry and clothes, which means she can always lend me the perfect wrap on the rare occasions I need evening wear. She is kind and wonderful and will let you talk to her honestly. I once ended up cursing at my mother-in-law when she wouldn't drop a subject I was very much done with - and she looked shocked. Then, she laughed and agreed she was being a pot and richly deserved it.

She gently prodded me to convert to Catholicism when I married Rob. I explained my reasons for not supporting the Catholic church (all of which she agreed with), so she backed off and never said another word about it. She didn't interfere with our wedding, just asked where she should be, what color she should or shouldn't wear, and gave us lovely presents.

Computers don't like her. Really, has no intuitive understand of them. It's pretty bad - I pretend I can't answer her questions and tell her she has to talk to Rob.

She's compulsively neat. Don't leave a glass unattended in her house, or she'll swoop it into the dishwasher. One day, I went for my third water glass in two hours. I tied a ribbon around it. MIL swooped through and got all the way to placing the glass in the dishwasher rack, when she stopped dead.

What's this? she asks, coming back into the living room.

Oh I say, looking up from the TV It's a tag so I can track my glass's movements through the house. She looks nonplussed. You know, like they track wild animals to understand their migratory habits

My father-in-law had to leave the room he was laughing so hard. My MIL gave me back my glass.

She feeds our cat when necessary, which is an hour drive from her house to hours, and it's just great. Actually, she mostly persuades my father-in-law to do it, because he loves cats and he loves the fresh fish market that sets up along the main drag to our house.

She gets along great with my mother (Ann and Anna, loose on the town). She gave me a picture of baby Rob in liederhausen (which I have undoubtedly misspelled) which are adorable. I have a great sister now, in her wonderful daughter, Darby. And my brother-in-laws, Oscar and John, are cool too.

Tonight, we're taking her and Dad to Timpano's for a lovely dinner and presents. Love my mother-in-law.

And, this was apparently a very good day to be born because it's Jake's birthday too! Happy Birthday Jessica! I have your present. No, it's not wrapped. What are you kidding? I still haven't put away the luggage from the overseas trip much less found the wrapping paper. Dinner and presents soon, eh?

Scribble to Theo

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