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House and a shelf

2001-11-26 - 11:43 a.m.

... we now return to your regularly scheduled programming

The trip home was long. Two planes, long hikes through airports, crowded lines - the usually sucky stuff. You've all been there, so we'll skip that part.

Random commentary from the trip:

*Pringles makes cheese and onion flavor?

*Watched three movies on the plane back. Tomb Raider (better than I'd expected), Dr. Dolittle 2 (very, very good), Moulin Rouge (weird - had good points, but I can see why it did badly at the box office, especially the Madonna 'Like a Virgin' takeoff number - glad I watched for free.)

*We owed duty. We were very honest and organized and when we sorted and packed from the cottage in Scotland, tallied all the receipts into categories. The customs guys didn't even look at the card, so I guess we get through free. I think they were exhausted from the biggest travel weekend of the year.

The picture tally came out around ~1500. (Final tally from Leeds armory ~650.) I love digital camera. They cost a lot up front, but, thankyouGod, no developing costs. No, no one will be forced to look at them unless they ask. Yes, I think Roland and Kymber will stay up very late one night looking through the metal bits.

Since we had the digital camera, we needed a laptop for download and storage.

Since I had a laptop, I wrote diaries of every day of the trip. (Be careful what you wish for Padraiga.)

I've posted them all. You can peruse the 'Older Entries' is you actually want the blow-by-blow of my vacation. Surely, you all have better things to do - but I wanted to keep a journal as a record of the trip.

If you want the abridged version - the trip was FABULOUS. My mate is a superb driver, wonderful companion, and great booking agent.

Things I'm very glad to come home to:

-The Stars and Stripes flying at the US carriers in Heathrow, London.

-Public water fountains.

-Waiters who actually refill your drinks and will give you the check.

-Telephone numbers that don't all start with '0'

-TV commericals that make some sense. I do *not* understand British TV. I'm frightened they get WWF Raw.

-Bathrooms where they *don't* place a trashcan just so it digs into your knee.

-Better labeled roads.

Things I will sorely miss:

-The majesty of the Scottish Highlands.

-The U.K. custom and law that a pint of beer is a full-to-overflowing pint.

-Chips. U.K makes much better fries than the U.S.

-Pubs - smoky or not, the U.S. just doesn't have many true pubs where you can sink into a relaxing evening..

-The history and atmosphere that is simply a part of everything

-The pub habit of paying for the meal beforehand, so you can leave whenever you want.

-Scones and cream. And cream with dessert.

-Sunsets in Sussex.

Home, safe and sound. The plants are alive, the mail pile is huge, the cat sulked and yowled and has now moved to velcro/rebonding phase. I gave him tuna to mollify him.

Thank you, Gen, for taking care of everything. Just cause I love you, I *didn't* buy you any wool in Scotland.

I just heard the wash machine start, so maybe I'll have clean underwear for work tomorrow. I'd better go help Rob.

Nobody talk to me about Buffy or Angel or any other TV shows till I catch up.

Scribble to Theo

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