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2001-11-08 - 10:55 a.m.

It's a non-threatening sausage

Kimmie, I forgot to answer your question from ages ago. My favorite Xman is a tie between Jean Grey and Wolverine. (Jean Grey up to the end of the Phoenix saga - not all the wiggy stuff done afterwards.)

I like Wolverine because he's human. He's coarse and blunt, rough with a soft heart, and he never gives up. He lives with an uncompromising passion, and damn the consequences. I wish I could match it.

I like Jean Grey because she's smart and good and has the right hair color. She usually spends all her time living for others, but she has a wild, selfish streak that she tries so hard to deny - which I completely relate to. My personality is the strangest mix of logic and passion, reason and irresponsibility - all the cute personality tests put me in the 3% margin of error type that isn't supposed to exist - equally strong in all emotional types. I think I like defying definition.

I called Beth Tuesday night for final check on London plans, and caught her riding the train back from fighter practice at about 1 am U.K. time. We chatter on about whether Beth is going to join us for Poohsticks in Ashdown forest or opting for the Stonehenge trip when she pauses for a moment and says:

I'm sorry, I put my foot on your sausage.

Pause. Think about the fact the British euphemisms for various things are quite different than American slang. Um, Beth, what are you doing?

Stretching out - and I put my feet on the opposite seat and stepped on Dan's sausage.

I'm still unclear whether this is a food item or � A sausage? Which is �

All safely wrapped, I just stepped on it. Okay, that doesn't clear up anything.

Um, Beth, um, what is Dan, um, doing �

Oh, oh! Oh no, it's just a sauage in the bag on the opposite seat. All wrapped in sanitary plastic.

So it's a non-threatening, food item, sausage?

Yes, Dan's sausage is competely non-threatening. Oh, wait, Dan's taken great offense to having his sausage dubbed non threatening. So he's now waving it as me - all curved and � Much noise and laughter in the background - I'm going with the assumption that this was still the groceries under discussion, but it was very punchy bunch of SCAdians on a train at 1 am � Yes, Dan, I am now very afraid continues Beth There, there - you may meet Dan next week. Excellent - looking forward to meeting Manjit and Dan, the man with the sausage.

We finish up the travel plans and I ring off in time for "Buffy the Musical" which was bloody hilarious. I was quite impressed with the singing - no it wasn't Grammy award winning, but it was darn good for a group of actors that aren't singers. The songs were all written by the Buffy creator Joss Wheadon, and I just laughed my ass off. ["No, I gave the construction crew the day off. I just couldn't handle it if they started dancing around - it's a flab issue."]

I hope they release that on CD, because there were catchy tunes and I'd like a copy without having to save the VCR tape forever.

Wednesday, I whimped out of work with my cold. I was a selfish move, really. If I stayed home and slept I knew I'd feel completely better for vacation, so I stayed home. Teleconned into my afternoon status meeting and had a long phone call with my software lead - other than that I napped and read Elfquest.

About 6ish, Gen buzzes by to pick up Rob for the movies. C'mon - you want to go. I have guilt about going to the movies having stayed out of work. Rob reasons that the happy endorphins will complete the recovery process so I need to go with them to Monsters, Inc.

But I'm still wearing my pajamas. Gen eyes my outfit - Dude, we don't care what you wear - Balynar would really like those pants! But I'd put shoes on. I opt to change into jeans and sweater, including my new polka dotted socks which please me immensely for no apparent reason.

Mel takes out phone order for Chicken out and brings us dinner to the movie theater, so we're sitting in the lobby scarfing down food when Shane, Gina, Katie and Lauren ("the Mute") arrive to join us. I wait in the slowest line in existence to secure drinks for me and Bubbles, while Katie attempts to operate the ice cream vending machine.

Why can't they standardize sizes? Small, medium and large used to mean just that - but then all the fast food restaurants eliminated 'small' and went to medium, large and extra-large. So I ordered large drinks for us, hoping that was the middle size, and got two vats of diet Coke. I order medium fries and end up with the tiny fry portion. You have to readjust to the sizing at each fast food vendor and I find it just too annoying. End mini-rant

The movie was very, very funny. Go see it. Go see it again. Of course, you probably won't get to watch Shane chase his daughters around the theatre trying to give them slobbery kisses while they try to convince him the touch of a child is toxic.

� of course now I'm not going to be as finished with all my work items as I want before I leave, but c'est la vie. It'll be here when I get back.

When considering priorities in your life, put things in the order you'd like them to appear in your eulogy. My friend, Eric, taught me that when I was fifteen. I don't want to be remembered for my SAT scores or the fact I spent too many evenings at the office. I want to travel and explore now, while I'm young, not wait over half my life until I'm retired.

Carpe diem.

I can't wait to see the Highlands.

Scribble to Theo

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