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Just for Pope Gregory...

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To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2001-11-06 - 6:20 p.m.

More bad than a mere caricature

Our branch mailboxes are right inside the entrance to the branch office suite, which means I must usually wade through various coworkers to get to mail, supplies and our amazing secretary. This morning, as I'm sorting through announcements about health fairs, employee benefits, and the center Halloween party I hear the words, She's nothing but a caricature. I whirl around with an Excuse me? and Dave repeats the assertion. So, I say I'm not truly bad, I'm just drawn that way.

Precisely agrees my branch chief/boss person as he winds through the crowd towards this office. Okay - I only left the devil duckie in his office once, really how much of a grudge can he hold?

You betcha says Dave. And I let Dave take the flamingoes out of the astronomical globe before he borrowed it - leaving uncaged flamingoes in my lab, which are always unruly and difficult to deal with. - especially since we've lost part of the flamingo wire legs.

Hey! I yell after him I've got more bad than a mere caricature!

Paul, our innocent new guy walks out of the supply closet and says Um - they were talking about "Judge Judy". Sigh. My coworkers have sold me down the river. Again.

Okay, I have a cold and so I don't hear so well today. But, damn, I work in a bizarre place.

I had a lovely lunch with QPM, planning possible Scotland excursions. They thoughtfully gave us a large table so we could spread the map out. It's likely Roland and I will cross paths with the Company of the Staggering Crab and friends at least once. Surely, you all want to tour whisky distilleries where the programme ends with a "wee dram" of fine single malt? C'mon. Yeah says Roland Like I'm not there just to be the designated driver. I wonder how many bottles of Scotch I can spread amongst friends to get back to the states? Damn two bottle per person limit.

I took the afternoon off work - errands and errands - bought Roland a purple suitcase and me a black one, new toner cartridge to import for the Keilyn, - then went home to crater and sleep off the cold.

Damn cold - had to cancel massage therapy today. Did you know massage stimulates circulation and lymph system? Which means if you have a small sniffle a good massage will speed up the flow of germs and likely make you sick as a dog within two days. Or you'll escape unscathed. I get on a plane in three days, so I didn't take the chance.

My officemate suggested a new trick for colds - slices of fresh ginger in hot green tea - don't knock it. It's good and it seems to be helping.

Beth will be in Estonia at Drachenwald University when we arrive so she is sending Manjit, her favorite taxi driver, to pick us up from Heathrow. At first, I thought this was a particularly unique SCA name Beth, I can't let one of your friends drag out at 7 am to meet us at Heathrow.

No, he's my faithful taxi driver. And he knows where I live and he does the hold-up-a-sign thing. Manjit's the bomb. He'll get you here, no problem. I have a vision of Lone Ranger Beth, a sidekick named Manjit, and a bright yellow horse with checks on his flanks.

3 packing days. Time to call Beth and check final plans.

Scribble to Theo

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