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2001-09-13 - 10:06 a.m.

A Quiet Resolve

Snapshots of the aftermath:

Cars with American flags.

A man with an American flag marching back and forth on one of the Beltway bridges.

Flags on my neighbor's mailbox and garage.

The flag hoisted by rescue workers over the rubble of the WTC.

Candlelight vigil by the reflecting pool.

Thank you Tristan and Kim, who posted comforting words in my guestbook. As of last night, my brother is still answering emergency calls in his hometown rather than on his way to NYC. Watching the rescue workers struggle through the debris, hearing them call for more and more body bags, simply had me in tears.

It took me thirty minutes to get through the gates today. Random car searches, two forms of photo ID made for long delays. No one complained. I'm glad for the extra precautions. Yes, they make me feel safer, but the heightened security around the country might catch one of those responsible and it might prevent another tragedy.

Thank you to Aryanna. I really enjoyed the editorial she shared.

A deep, quiet, patient anger wars with my grief.

Cynwrig captures my feelings well.

I believe we will have justice - That our leaders will find, hunt down and eradicate those responsible for this act of terrorism. I join with the many who condemn the blind, useless racially motivated hatred against any of Arab ethnic background. I, like most people, am content to wait for the guilty to be identified.

There was one Japanese general who advised against the Pearl Harbor attack, who begged his government not to 'awaken the sleeping dragon.' Americans often revel in the freedom of speech which allows us to argue amongst ourselves, but nothing, nothing unites our country like a common enemy.

Whatever the terrorists hoped to accomplish, they have failed. They have awakened our anger united our people, and instilled in us a quiet, firm resolve.

Scribble to Theo

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