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2001-09-05 - 7:28 a.m.

Poohsticks, Patterns, and Puppy Power

We're heading to the U.K. in November. Trip planning is an interesting exercise in marital compromise. For negotiation purposes, all activities are classified as 'our idea', 'your idea', and 'my idea'. For instance, we both want to see the British and V&A museums and the Scotch whisky vaults. However, Roland's eager to sit in on an armoring symposium if the schedule works out. I think I'll spend the extra time in the London art galleries.

On the common hit list are: Glenturret Distillery (Their former cat, Towser, is in the Guinness book of records for World Mousing Champion), Warwick castle, and Tower of London among others. A trip to Islay is under negotiation - nine distilleries on one tiny island - the question is when will we be capable of leaving.

I've cuted him into a side trip to Stonehenge, hopefully Glastonbury (where Henry II interred what are believed to by King Arthur's bones), and Poohsticks bridge. Yes, I'm going all the way to England and I feel a moral imperative to play Poohsticks in the Hundred Acre Woods. So, Ashdown Forest joins the list of places to see.

Yes, I'm serious. I'll be taking my own Pooh bear on world tour, thank-you-very-much. The original Pooh animals are on display in the New York Public Library, but that's a pilgrimage for another day.

It'll balance out. Roland keeps slipping more castles on the wish list - you know, those castles whose guidebook entries read 'stuff, more stuff, old stuff and armor.' The Leeds armory made it onto our itinerary - the fate of an armorer's wife.

It's all good. I love my tooluser. (By the end of Pennsic camp setup, we had rated people as toolusers or non-toolusers.) I have to own up to being an enabler. I did drag him to Himeji-jo - the only existent medieval castle in Japan.

How's this for a T-shirt for Roland:

Tooluser: Rent Negotiable. Smirking Free.

Okay, I admit, I bent the last thing I hammered - bent it in a bad way. Alan made Roland come look at the collateral damage. Alan, pointing at me: You, no more hammering. They both wandered off shaking their heads.

Sigh. I must make up a suitably challenging grocery store list to exact vengeance. What do I need for dinner? Jicama and cilantro? Arborio rice? Thyme? Red miso paste?

I received my Ten-Year Service Award. Ten years. Wow. Ten years of my life spent building spacecraft and designing controls systems. Okay, I did start as a co-op student, but it's amazing how fast the time has gone.

I'm putting together a quick Viking apron for Coronation, which the Gen kindly helped me with. They are not that hard, but if you want something better than a huge tube, it's faster to have experienced help. After patterning and pizza last night, I just need to put on the straps and do the finish work.

Up against the wall today - lost pizza delivery boys - how can it take an hour, hour-fifteen to get a pizza to Gen's house?

The second fresco book arrived yesterday, so Gen-known-as-Kiki got to sit in her wondrous new wingback chair and pet the shiny new thing. I love that 'Ooooh!' noise Gen makes at good pictures. It cracks me up.

I'm up to one border collie sighting - chasing a flock of geese away from my office building and having the time of her life. The honking and the feathers, the sheer geese panic - worth the price of admission.

We should all like our work that much.

Scribble to Theo

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