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2001-08-28 - 5:17 p.m.

A Demoness's View of Me

For those who've asked about my biblophile find, the Italian Frescoes book and it's sequel can be found on Amazon. It looks like the 1400-1470, which is my Pennsic find, is out of print. Volume 2 (1470 and later) is on the way to my house. Good luck.

Just for Elsworthy, cause she's my favorite demoness, I'll finish her survey. I'll even spell favo[u]rite her strange U.K. way...

Name: Wendy, Theodora, Theo, Wen, Gwen, Thee, Blossom. No, I'm not going to discuss the things my mother *almost* named me, nor any cute things Roland calls me. I have a sense of self preservation.

Occupation: Controls engineer - which means I get to answer my phone, "Guidance and Control" Given my friends, that leads to all sorts of trouble. Ajay spends months thinking up pithy replies to my professional salutation. (No, I'm not giving out my work number.) What does that mean? I design, build, and fly spacecraft for a living - specifically, I make them go where they need to go and point themselves in the right direction - which is actually a decent description for my job in the SCA.

Favourite Political figure: Pope John Paul. I'm not part of his church, I don't agree with many of his views, but he just awes me. This is a man who should be an invalid - his health is failing and he is very old; but he knows his position, his charisma, his prestige can be used as a force for good in this world, so he gets up every morning and puts in a day twice as long as mine. I will weep when he dies, for the world will be a poorer place without him.

Favourite Dead Celebrity: Princess Diana - I don't follow royal scandal and she was no saint, but I liked her for a couple reasons: She was very protective of her children and seemed to always put them first. Also, once she figured out how to handle being royal, she put her position to good use. It was often Diana's championship that brought a neglected issues to the forefront. Removal of landmines from former war zones was not even on the American political docket until Princess Diana started knocking on Senators' doors.

Favourite Living Celebrity: Can I ask Mel and get back to you? I'm good at lots of things, but celebrity trivia ain't it. Okay, working without a safety-net/Mel, I'd pick Patrick Stewart. Remarkable Shakespearean actor, good on the Next Gen Star Track. I saw him play Othello and he was just phenomenal. He's definitely drool-worthy - wouldn't kick him out for eating crackers.

Current Song Obsession: "Hallelujah" off the Shrek soundtrack is what's been on repeat in the car this week. I really don't have anything stuck in my head right now.

Political Leanings: Live and let live. Respect others. Do no harm. Practice kindness. Give back to your society. Clean up your own mess. Whatever party Robert Fulghum belongs to, I'm probably with him.

Stance on the Middle East: It makes me glad the SCA mostly excludes religion from our recreation. I wish they could all learn to share the holy land, but thousands of years of conditioning have convinced each side they are the wronged party. Did you know Nostradomus predicted the final world war, the last anti-christ, would rise from the Middle East? I watched a special on his end-of-the-world predictions at the tender age of nine and it gave me nightmares for years. The older and wiser me knows that Nostradomus was mostly wrong in his predictions, but I still get the nine-year-old-monster-under-the-bed creeps about the middle east.

Favourite Restaurant Food: Anything from the Inn at Little Washington. Unquestionably, hands down, the best restaurant I have ever been to. Since it's too expensive to go often, I'll vote for ribs or greek.

Favourite Food You Make Yourself: Beef tenderloin with port wine sauce, asiago-mushroom risotto and fresh greens. Homemade pizza with hummus, feta and balsamic vinegar. Sweet potato ravoli which cream-nutmeg sauce. Things I improvise on the fly just to frustrate Gen. [I did warn folks I was a cooking snob.]

Current Fashion Statement: Too lazy to shop. Jeans and T-shirts. Shorts and T-Shirts. Tend to dress pretty raggedy in real life. In the SCA, I'm a 14th century clothes horse. No it doesn't make any sense.

Favourite Expletive: Dammit!

Favourite Exclamation That Doesn't Use Words You Can't Say On Television: Froglicker.

Favourite Fuzzy Cute Thing: I know I'll get booed out of the room if I say my husband. So it's kind of a tie here -

My cat, Michael Xavier Garibaldi [cause he's so bad he needs three names for yelling purposes. Vic named him Garibaldi - it's not my fault - it was all he would answer to once Vic had finished with the poor little kitten. Yes, I really, really, really love Babylon 5 - as in I have all of them on tape - and backup copies to save them from Alan's VCR - but that's a story for another day.] Unfortunately, he does not like to be squeezed. (My cat, not Alan)

Winnie-the-Pooh and Tigger too! I have many incarnations of my favorite stuffed animals.

Scribble to Theo

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