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Just for Pope Gregory...

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House and a shelf

2001-08-27 - 8:06 a.m.

Stone, Silk thread and Shire planning

Dammit Ragnarr. Another 3 a.m. bedtime for Theo.

Kyna and Ragnarr IM'd me on Friday at the same time because they are wonderful people who remember that Roland wanted to come over sometime Friday or Saturday to beg/borrow/steal some Wonderstone for our upcoming Shire casting projects. And Kymber's making homemade red sauce on Friday, so that really clenched the deal.

We buzzed down after work and had an excellent dinner and great company. We even got a bonus Gwen appearance. I took my laptop with the embroidery design software. After dinner, Kymber and I started playing with the software- so, yes, Virginia, there are more quaterfoils in the world now - and playing with the sewing machine. And chatting. Gwen has the good sense to seek her pillow before midnight.

It keeps getting really late, but the company is so good, and we're playing with the toy. At about 1:30 am I hear Kyneburh yelling from the basement, "mrph, mrph, rant, you and Wendy!" which means she looked at her watch and noticed how late it was.

Somehow, Ragnarr and I are to blame for keeping everyone up late.

I should just pack pajamas whenever I go near Rags after 7 p.m. Wait, that sounds odd.

Kymber and Rags offer the guest room for us to crash, but we have lots of stuff to do on Saturday so we opt to drive home. Luckily, Roland stayed home Friday - after a long week of 12 hour days - so he had plenty of sleep and was still on Mountain Standard Time.

Maybe it's Roland's fault. He had extra sleep and more energy on Friday.

On the bright side, Rags got me a really cool Powerpuff squeeze bottle which has followed me to work today full of mint green tea. It's very keen.

Kymber and Rags also gifted me with a Pooh bear - a squishy Gund rendition of the classic Pooh, which will complement all my other Pooh parafenalia around the house. [There are excerpts from the Pooh books hanging in our downstairs bathroom - which did lead to one memorable party where Mark locked himself in the powder room and read A.A. Milne poetry through the door at the top of his lungs. Hysterically funny, especially when he did it with the (apologies to Isobel) fake British accent. I should've known that party would go bad since it started with Brad wearing reindeer antlers to answer the door.]

The bear's been dubbed R.K., to distinguish him from the other Pooh bears in the house. Right now he's living in the office next to the KMoL paperwork. He'll get promoted to the nightstand - once I'm sure he won't keep me up late.

Love the Narr. Love the Kyneburh.

Winnie-the-Pooh and the Powerpuff Girls. Let's not dwell on what that says about me.

Saturday I was up by 10-ish. I had a leisurely breakfast and headed over to Savage Mills for a quick shopping expedition. My favorite stitchery store, Friendstitch, is going out-of-business and their thread was 20% off. Since they stock Londonberry linen and Trepozoid silks (which is a lot like Gutermann's buttonhole twist), it was an irrestible opportunity to stock up, so I came back with a sack of goodies to support my habit.

I do not have fiber issues. I am fiber enabled!

The shopping was followed by an afternoon nap, which became an evening nap. I finally got up about 7 p.m. Roland fixed lamb for dinner (yum!) while I attempted to shelve all the books we'd bought at Pennsic. Dang, we really need more shelves. Somehow, the house got clean before bedtime.

Sunday, we had a Shire meeting at our house - three hours of really good work. I'm autocratting our fall event, A Pilgrim's Tale which will be really, really cool. We had about twenty people over working on plans for the fighting, archery, children's activities, feast (which will be awesome and will *not* stare at anyone), prizes and casting. The entire event is Crusader/Saracen themed and the Shire is really enthused.

The archery will be great - Gregge has elaborate plans for shoots. We'll also be shooting the Lochmere arrow at our event. Failenn has built a castle for the children's activities which will be open all day for kids, besides the one hour of supervised activity. It's quite nifty and I think we'll have to watch to keep the adults out of the kid's castle.

The fighting - melees and more melees, all based on historical Crusades, some with combat archery, some without - a pause for passage at the barrier. Badouin has some really cool stuff planned and it will just be a blast! If you don't get enough fighting, it's because you didn't come.

[Must remember to bug Byram about his Crusader household coming. Wonder if they'd like to lead the Crusader side?]

We have many things you can do to earn Pilgrims badges - which means lots of Shire casting projects over the next few weeks, another cool things. Ardent pilgrims will reap earthly booty later that evening - but you'll have to come to the event and meet our Saints to understand that part. Saint Kitten � Well, actually, we'll post more details on our website and to the Merry Rose within the next two weeks.

Can you tell I'm excited about our fall event? And that it'll be quite nifty?

Our blessed cook even has plans to put out a snack remove before Court starts.

After the Shire meeting broke up, I spent the balance of the evening sucked into a Witchblade marathon. (I blame Pavla and Gen for making me watch this thing) while I filed MoL paperwork and sent out cards. Fifty-seven new sets of cards hit the mail this morning. (I should stop counting these things, but I was a math minor - what do you want?), which means more fighters on the field for Atlantia.

Scribble to Theo

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