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2001-07-24 - 12:11 p.m.

I spent way too late at work last night and tonight looks much the same. I should wrap this frantic work up by Wednesday evening. In the meantime, little sleep for me.

I�m spending my quick lunchtime reading diaries and cleaning up the browser links � you know, the places you bookmark and mean to get around to reading someday? I tripped over the Banned Books Week website.

Odd how I tripped over this the same week Balynar�s talking about people trying to censor TV shows.

What�s really shocking is the list of books.

Check the Top 100 Banned Books of 1990-1999. This list includes some of my *favorite* books, such as Bridge to Terabithia, A Wrinkle in Time (both Newberry award winners � what do people want?). To Kill a Mockingbird, all the Harry Potter books. Pillars of the Earth is on the list.

They have stuff on this list like A Light in the Attic (People are after Shel Silverstein poetry?) and James and the Giant Peach. For the love of �. Where�s Waldo is on the list! I find hunting Waldo tedious, but to ban it? What the heck?

Ironically, Farenheit 451 is *not* on the list.

I don�t know what this says about me, but I�ve read over half these �banned� books, and I�m feeling motivated to read the other half of the list.

Who are �They� to ban books anyway? People who are afraid ideas will contaminate them somehow don�t have very strong convictions.

Who controls the information, controls the world.

Cry freedom, defy the conservatives, and read a book.

Scribble to Theo

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