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2001-07-20 - 3:56 p.m.

It's the end of Friday - it's Close of business. I'm packing some work and heading home. Along the way, I'll be stopping by Brothers Sew and Vac on New Hampshire Avenue to pick up my fixed Serger.

Marty (my sewing machine tech extraordaire) just called me.

Marty: "I'm tearing my hair out, but it's fixed."

Me: "Oh dear. What happened to it?"

Marty: "I almost just boxed it up, marked it 'no charge', and returned it broken, but I decided to keep trying. I fixed about four things wrong with the timing - did they sell it to you this way? Um, I see, that's bad. So I fixed the timing things, but what appears to have happened is the pressure foot lifted way higher than this machine likes and the upper looper slammed into the pressure foot thread bar and burred it, and you bent the needle bar, and slammed into the lower looper bending it a bit out of whack. And I've replaced the needles twice, to be sure I was timing it to straight needles. "

[If you don't use a serger, you didn't get a word of that, but it's a pretty impressively severe breakage.]

Me: "Oh my goodness." (Southern women are trained to say that.)

Marty: "So, please, stick to no more than three layers of fabric from now on. It's a cute little machine, but it's just not up to as many layers as you were putting through it."

[Two layers of material, five layers of batting for the extra kidney protection - okay he has a point.]

Marty: "If you want a real serger, something that can do this sort of thickness, I'll be happy to advise you, but this should be fine for the smaller stuff. Now, I'll be leaving to start my vacation early" [Wow, he really was tearing his hair out]

So many, many thanks to Marty of Brothers Sew and Vac for taking pity on my poor broken machine and getting it done before his vacation.

On with the Pennsic sewing!

Scribble to Theo

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