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Just for Pope Gregory...

Finding the nativity

An accelerated rate

To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2001-07-20 - 9:28 a.m.

Happy Friday! Sunny, happy Friday! I am wearing my new Bun-Bun/Evil shirt, which is a great way to brighten your outlook. Laura, did you get yours yet?

If you don�t understand that you should read Sluggy Freelance cause its an absolutely hilarious comic � This comic features storylines such as "Game called on account of naked chick" and "Is it not nifty?" Jump over to Sluggy and start at the beginning of four years of deliciously clever parodies. Damn Gen for getting me addicted.

Hopefully, my serger will be better today. I only owned it a month and I threw the timing. I cannot make my sweet Roland a gambeson without injuiring a sewing machine. I was so close to done, serging the last edge, but then � CLUNK � it hit and siezed. I cleared the jam, but, alas, instead of the smooth whirr of success I hear the whir-clack-whir-clack of a problem. If luck is with me, the shop will get to it today and I�ll be whirring again over the weekend. Tonight, I intend to finish the gambeson � hopefully I have already paid sufficient sacrifice to the craft gods and none of my other machines will be clunked.

Yesterday morning was completed wasted in a two hour meeting that could�ve been finished in twenty. I finally kirked off (�Kirk� being a word I stole from Gen � I guess it best describes Captain Kirk of the original Star Trek when he would give his long powerful speechs about justice and righteousness) � "Look, I only have 25% of my time to spend on this project and so far I�ve been pulled into splinter meeting after team meeting after review. I need to be left at my desk to work for a week so I can get the answers you keep holding meetings to ask for�." I left the meeting with exactly the same information, directions and deadlines as I started with. Two hours I�ll never get back.

I missed Thursday night drinking at Last Chance, but I made it to have dinner with Gwen, Cindy, Gen, Kymber and my Roland. After dinner, the Acorn folding was finished in a record one hour. Sweet! We didn�t know what to do with ourselves, done so quickly, so we hung around and chatted for awhile. Again, my nice Gen chauffeured me, so I didn�t have to drive in traffic. Ah, being spoiled rocks. Why didn�t I learn from Gen sooner?

Home and snug in bed by 10:30 � but no sleep for the Wendy. I kept waiting for Rob to get home � after joining us for dinner he had to go back to work and pack his office because the evil work people have scheduled him for solid meetings all week, yet insist he finish packing to move by today. Now how are you supposed to do that when you're in downtown DC in meetings for ten hours a day, miles from your office?

Apparently, he does manage to sneak out early occasionally by mentioning he must get home before he ticks off his wife. The first time I met Rob�s sponsor, Bruce, he managed to tick me off in three minutes and paid dearly [story for another time] and the first time I met Rob�s boss, I began the conversation with "So, you�re the gentleman that always makes my husband late for dinner" which made his boss scurry quickly out of the conversation and back to his office. Over the years, Bruce has bought me enough whisky that I�ve forgiven him, but I must�ve made an impression, because threatening Bruce with my ire still gets Rob out early. It�s good to be Scot-Irish.

Poor Rob didn't get home till nearly midnight. Long day when it starts at 5 am.

But my desk phone rings and it�s my software lead. She wants to know why our latest spacecraft model software is currently calculating a spacecraft position somewhere beyond Pluto, when the model should show we�re an eighth of the way to the sun. I don�t know? It worked fine in the last software build. I didn�t change physics since then.

Off to debug�

Scribble to Theo

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