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2003-06-25 - 4:59 p.m.

Back in Pandora�s Box

I drove to work today sulking, unwilling to face the lurking problems, problems I was without resources to solve.

I spent last night stomping around the house, sulking, cause I was exhausted, frustrated and had to give up the persona night chivalry discussion to stay home and work till 10 pm. Poor Genevieve had to put up with my foul temper, when she came by to borrow some sewing supplies. (Thanks, Bubbles.)

But, then Santa wandered in 6 moths early and pulled a few things out of the sack.

Today, my analysis lead came in extra, blowing off most of another commitment, to cover my butt and rederive the orbital maneuver command error budget.

Today, my much chastised mouseketter can�t do enough to make me happy.

Today, my ground support equipment lead has redrawn all the test layouts correctly.

Today, mouseketter�s boss has spent the entire day trying to make me happy after I spent yesterday explaining how his guys were just not together. (I wonder if I should spend more time screaming at people. I screamed at my 7th grade algebra teacher and became his favorite student. I screamed at Chuck, and now I have the most luck of anyone in talking him into seeing reason. What does that really mean?)

Somehow, my plea of don�t-give-me-a-lead-I-have-to-work-*around* resulted in mouseketter�s second in command being replaced by someone that will make our lives much easier.

Today, Christopher Robin picked me up in his hot new Honda S2000 convertible and drove irresponsibly to a quaint destination that served endless kimchi. I still haven�t gotten the tangles out of my hair.

Today, they gave up on the silly forceless torques requirement so I can rearrange the thrusters to my liking and plumbing will be greatly simplified.

Today, contamination actually did their job and gave me hope we could explore MMH4 as a fuel, which would allow us a much wider range of propulsion hardware.

Today, the structures team walked up to me voluntarily and promised me inertias by week�s end and (I cannot believe this) flexible body dynamics models by next week. The analysis team is galloping towards their offices to get eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Now, if they�d just fork over the radiation requirements, the latest ray trace, and the power spectral density for the motors, there would be no more I could ask for today.

(Yeah, boring technobabble. Well, it�s my diary.)

I don�t know why I received such gifts on June 25th. Maybe cause it�s winter in the other hemisphere? Maybe cause God only gives you what you can handle and I had had enough.

And I�ll be here very late tonight working on material but at least I know I�m not completely shouting in the dark, that people are starting to live up to their responsibilities

That hope is back in Pandora�s box. That sometimes justice triumphs, evil is vanquished, and lost kings return to rule.

Okay, now I�ve strayed into a Tolkein plot. Time for more caffeine then back to work.

Scribble to Theo

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