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2002-05-09 - 7:28 a.m.

You, off the wheel

Ever want a vacation from your life?

Ever get tired of being strong?

Sometimes, your body votes for you. For weeks, I've been wavering on the edge of exhaustion, getting just enough rest to keep running at top speed. Now, I have that post finals weariness (even though I'm no longer in school) coupled with the head cold sniffly thingy that seems to be an inheritance of Crown. (Gotta get my patents fixed. Damp feet bad.)

I feel like I'm always behind - Stop the world for a week so I can get back on. New job is still kicking my butt (because they've got me doing 2 people's work since the hated project keeps slipping me extra duties), lots to do for MoL, laundry, dirty house, camp steward for Pennsic.

I want to get exercise and eat decent meals rather than collapsing tired after work. I stare longingly at my sewing room and realize that yet another week will pass with no playtime for Theo. Makes me sulk like a three year old.

I've been living my life in perpetual to-do list overflow. You know, when the to-do list is so long you just sit still because you don't know what to do first?

My sweet Roland points out that I am a hamster that needs to get off the wheel.

I need to spend less time worrying about what needs to be done and just get to it. And to stop putting all my favorite things last after laundry and attendant nonsense.

Sleep more. Seek joy. Love my husband.

Yes, life can be that simple. If I let it.

Scribble to Theo

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