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2002-05-03 - 12:01 p.m.

Flying south

Packed for Crown. Gen should be picking me up any second and we will wing our way to the Columbia airport, where SoCo will rescue us.

Yes, Anne, I packed the Dharma catalog.

Hey, we're connecting through Charlotte, we'll be there 4 pm to 5:30 today if anyone want to meet us for drinks. US Airways 895.

Or Sunday tea. US Airways 3295, 3:30 pm arrival, before at 4:50 flight back to BWI.

Need to go soon. Daytime television is not safe for adult consumption.

I watched three minutes of the teletubbies and felt my IQ drop 10 points.

Oh, yeah, Tinky-Winky is gay.

Scribble to Theo

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