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2002-04-25 - 7:18 p.m.

Bullfrogs and bonsai

Jeremiah was a bullfrog.
Was a good friend of mine.
Never understood a single word he said
But I helped him a-drink his wine
and he always had some mighty fine wine.
Singing Joy to the World
All the boys and girls
joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me.

- Three Dog Night "Joy to the World"

What is it about that song that makes me so happy? A time when I was 16 years old driving around with Jenny singing at the top of our lungs. Windblown 80s hair, sunglasses, root beer, cool mountain breezes.

Snidely, the Project N scientist says I've completely lost lock on your meetings. Can you send me a meeting maker notice for that?

Cause the agendas I email out weekly are not getting through to you?

Well, that's not convenient for me. That doesn't put the notice in my Palm Pilot.


I think professional adults should be able to track their own schedules rather than whining about having to think for themselves. Everyone used to keep a calendar. Wrote down action items and appointments like adults. Then came email - which led to Can you email me a reminder? Within a few years, came You'll type up all these things you're saying and send me a copy?

When did we all become too lazy to keep track of our own lives? What happened to personal responsibility? Accountability? I bet gadget girl manages to write down stuff in her palm pilot/wireless phone/can opener.

Burl reached a new low today. One of our subsystems experts left our meeting because she was *done* with her (supposedly) lead engineer yelling at her because she (gasp) dared to put forth the notion of making a *plan* that involved communicating the same information to everyone on the project. He rudely patronized her, told her it was pointless, and blew off her technical and programmatic concerns.

I swear, if it'd been me, I would've laid my business card on the table and asked Burl to call me when he was ready to have a professional, productive discussion. But, props, cause she held it together well. Finally threw her hands in the air and said "Fine, if you're determined to proceed this way. It's a mistake, but fine."

I stayed on my island of calm with the Legally Blonde soundtrack playing in my head.

Spent the afternoon working on my beloved, low-drama, highly motivating project that loves me.

Can it get worse?

Oh, yes. I really need a manager to take over all the Project N coordination and scheduling crap that falls under my 'temporary' responsibilities. They've interviewed someone I've worked with before. Oh my - this is a person who is so busy taking care of themselves and telling everyone how wonderful they are, they never do any work.

I told the Project N people that would be enough to make me quit and open an Italian restaurant. Told my boss putting me on Project N full time and I would be seeking another position. It's all about knowing your limits.

No one can take advantage of you without your permission.

Bonsai tree in my office window. Perhaps a little fountain or pond. A nice home for the tiny ceramic frog from my bookshelf.

Jeremiah was a bullfrog...

Scribble to Theo

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