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2001-12-19 - 10:22 a.m.

Unknown Murderesses

Kind Jim gave me a small gift at his Sunday brunch party - a calendar with the theme 'Unknown Murderesses.' You know, people like Lizzie Borden, only they didn't get enough press to be so famous.

My favorite is the lady who crocheted a shroud for her daughter-in-law before turning the same crochet hook on her victim. A close second is the nurse who wheeled her ancient curmudgeon of a patient to the edge of a cliff and, oops, tipped the wheelchair over the edge. Be honest - we've all thought about the logical conclusion to those wheelchair on the edge of a cliff movie scenes.

Still � What is this supposed to mean?

Jim: Nothing in that tone that means everything. I just thought it would amuse you.

The calendar will be startling contrast to my art calendars. At least he didn't give me the Astronaut Icecream. Nasty, freeze-dried stuff sold by the Smithsonian as a novelty.

I've decided the Christmas spirit is directy related to your preparedness. We've been fighting an ongoing battle against dirt and disorder for almost a week - sorting out all those piles left around from events and vacation and filing parties and books that need shelving and �. Argh. I'm married to such a piler. He's wonderful, he's the love of my life, and he loves to make piles of stuff to be put away later. I should make him a t-shirt. He won't let me see his work office � I wonder why.

You know, Pavla, I might enjoying puttering with shelving if I had more time. Apparently, Pavla shares my book sorting equals enjoyment disease. My husband thought I was on crack.

We might consider Christmas decorations this weekend. I think the two week plague penalty has ruined our Christmas, leaving us too far behind to be prepared and relaxed and ready to enjoy. Look how happy Lisette and Celynen are, and they've been done for a week for a month. How can you get to the fun-and-Christmas-cookie stage when you're racing to get everything bought, wrapped, shipped, and decorated?

Oh, and it just hit me this week, 12th night is a week earlier than I thought, a week earlier than normal. So much for projects getting done.

The work Christmas party Monday was semi-lame. I have two co-workers who really are a bit possessive of their parts in the yearly ritual. One has to D.J. And he brings stuff like 'Chipmunks Christmas' and puts it on too loud and gets all grumpy if you ask him to turn it down cause he's a sound afficinado and he's got it mixed just so. The other is a master of ceremonies.: Now we need to eat. Now we need to clap for the organizers. Now we need volunteers to play 'family feud' between the different organizations. Now proceed to the yank-a-gift game. Man, can't we just socialize and eat too much chocolate in peace? I left early.

Tuesday lunch was much more fun. Jim, Scott and I went comic shopping over in College Park. Lunch at Marathon Deli (Greek!) where we all discussed various home decorating projects. (I know they're both gay, but I didn't think the d�cor stereotype was so true - I mean, really, they both knew the difference between Shaker and Mission furniture styles. Oh well, at least they'll teach me something.)

The comic store had the latest Midnight Nation and the 9/11 Spiderman and my copy of Heroes. The Spiderman issue made me cry when I read it last night, so I'm saving Heroes for another day. For grins, I bought the trade of Camelot 3000 - a funny little series published years ago about King Arthur's return in the year 3000.

As we headed out of the parking lot, Scarlet whips past with Gen waving at me. So I pick up my cell phone to see what she wants. (My co-workers cannot believe I call anyone Bubbles.)

Ah, there's a pilgrimage to a midnight Lord of the Rings showing last night and did I want to go? Want, yes. Going, no way. Can't survive staying out until 4 am when I get up at 5-6 am and I'm still recovering on sleep/health.

It was, apparently, AMAZING. So I will go see it this weekend.

Instead, I dutifully dug out the home office and paid bills. Went to Target, bought frames and organizer boxes to contain the last of the flotsam.

I wonder if I could use sick leave to call in 'busy.' Or 'sick of the mess at home'? Is that a valid excuse? At least it would make my boss laugh.

I should quit my bitchin'. Mel moved yesterday, so she currently has many more home sorting problems than I do.

Scribble to Theo

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