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Just for Pope Gregory...

Finding the nativity

An accelerated rate

To tell the secrets of my prison-house

House and a shelf

2001-12-12 - 10:49 a.m.

Putter and nap and cough and hack

Say it with me, Balynar - I am SOOOOOOO tired of being sick.

I woke up feeling much better than I had in weeks and I just lay there enjoying the feeling, which persisted until mid-morning but now my body wants to nap.

Is this why people used to be sent away to convalesce? You know, those old Victorian novels where characters are sent to the country to take long walks across the moors and naps before teatime. Must be convenient to have servants dealing with all details for you. What did the servants do when they got ill?

Yesterday, I took another day off. In all seriousness, the extra sleep seems to have helped. I'm one step closer to feeling bouncy and healthy again.

Putter, nap. Straighten, nap. Tidy, nap. I have a deep need to get the house back in order and clean before we consider unearthing the Christmas decorations. It's just painfully slow - All storage space seems to be at capacity. Or maybe I'm just having out of phase spring cleaning urges. I tried to put sweaters on my closet shelf, but the stacks are so high and there's no more room and they're all more wadded than folded � so I have to purge and sort sweaters to make room. Same story, different verse with all the clothing storage space.

I think there's so many little things I've been putting off, that I now feel the need to do them correctly and completely, not just stuff things away. My poor mate is very bemused by it all.

I refuse, flatly refuse, to think about the jumble in the linen closet.

Why are you all reading about my need to sort sweaters?

Kind of pathetic really. Roland and I are sorry puppies this week - we actually had a sad little non-fight about I'm sicker than you. � Ha! No you're not. which ended in a laughing/coughing fit.

Meanwhile, the Christmas shopping isn't done and I�m starting to fret about the short time left and no tree and � No. No, I refuse to be stressed by the holidays.

Must call Mom and get Mammy's eggnog recipe for the Sunday brunch thing.

On the list of Christmas gifts I'm not sending ...

Gen is not getting the Crate and Barrel Squirrel Nutcracker

and Ragnarr is not getting a subscription to the cheese of the month club. Sorry, $40-$50 a shipment for a pound of gourmet cheese - nah...

Scribble to Theo

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