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House and a shelf

2001-10-29 - 9:03 a.m.

Weekend in the Yuppie Zone

Tequilia decompression Thursday night made for a great start to a weekend. Friday was hectic at work. Friday night was spent curled on the sofa opposite my sick husband reading all the comics I had acquired during the Thursday lunchtime shopping spree - I even bought the 'Spidergirl' trade which was worth the giggle implied by the name, but I won't be following that title. I was asleep by nine-ish fighting off that nasty cold that was trying to attack.

Saturday, we puttered. Clean up bits around the house, put away gear, snuggle on the sofa, laundry, � blissfully relaxing. Saturday night my Dad and his girlfriend, Trudi, took us out to dinner. I picked the Blue Ox Caf� in Olney, Maryland and we had a delicious dinner.

[For those not in the know, my parents are divorced. About three years ago, my dad, in a TV movie-of-the week moment asked for a divorce on their 30th wedding anniversary. Yep, seriously. 4 pm, a dozen roses are delivered. 7 pm, he asks for a divorce.

Three years of family drama later � Time marches on and relationship change. Dad's been living with Trudi for about a year and I've met her twice now. She's quite nice, but I just need time to warm up to a woman dating my dad. It's a little weird to watch someone else call him 'honey' and 'sweetie.' ]

Anyway, it was homecoming dance night in the Blue Ox. Tables and tables full of teenages in fancy dress made for excellent people watching festivities.

~When did everyone start wearing their hair in cornrows for formals? Looks painful.

~Where did the fairy tale princess dresses go? Everything is very sleek, clingy, tight, spaghetti strapped and looks very, very cold. No way you can wear a bra with these get ups. And they look � brrrrr!

~They still put flowers in their hair for formals, but this one girl had a shrubbery's worth of baby's breath right in front of her topknot/ponytail - very bad plan.

~And, for all the sophestication - most of the teens order pizza, burgers or spaghetti. Who eats spaghetti in formal wear? Really, if you have to use a napkin as a bib, you've lost some of the mystique already.

They were lots of fun to watch.

Sunday we slept blissfully late. Went up to Columbia to spend lots of money on framing, and accidentally lucked into a 50% framing sale - excellent. Even better, Jess was working, so she understands about scrolls and how to get them properly framed. We're good/bad framing customers. We're good that we don't fuss about the price - we expect it costs a lot. We're bad because we usually put it off until there's a big pile of stuff - like the four scrolls and handful of photos we had done Sunday - so we take a long time.

Scrolls are hard because the colors and gilt make it tough to match mat and frame. Hard to find mats that match period pigments or gold leaf without making the framing job look like it escaped from Las Vegas. Jess introduce me to the concept of a thin inner frame called a fillet which really offset several of the scrolls nicely. We'll pick those up in December and � shudder� go through rehanging artwork.

I've learned a lot of things during marriage - Don't try to catch up on all the finances in one day. You'll both get tired and cranky and be nasty to each other for no reason. Don't take the last roll of toilet paper without putting more back in the bathroom. And don't try to hang all the pictures in your house in one day. You'll reach the awkward stage where one of you is being picky -take-that-corner-up-an-inch, while the other is tired and no longer cares and they're the ones with the hammer and nails. Bad, just bad.

Ran into Brenna, Nina and Ciara out fabric surfing for the day - I seem to always find SCAdians in that JoAnn's.

A quick run through Borders yielded U.K. guidebooks and maps. We've perused the library ones, but decided to buy our own because they're more current and we can write in them. A lovely lunch at Rocky Run was spent perusing maps, planning the trip and writing out the itenary in crayon on the brown paper table cloth.

Sunday afternoon we napped, did some more mapping, and tried to call Keilyn. I was so proud - I got an international call to go through on the first dailing attempt. Unfortunately, Keilyn wasn't home. Stop being out having fun when I want to talk to you! We have most of a trip plan - but I need to talk to QPM and the Company of the Staggering Crab to see if we'll cross paths in Scotland.

Lis is much closer to home ownership! Yay!

Scribble to Theo

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