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House and a shelf

2001-10-25 - 7:30 a.m.

Ice cream with a fork

Tuesday night I was reduced to eating ice cream with a fork because all the spoons are in the dishwasher. Hey, at least they're in the dishwasher. This tells me I really need to get the house tidied up.

I'd be a lot perkier if could feel my legs. That's the suckiest part of irritating your back problems. Slipped disks, broken joints, yadda-yadda-yadda often manifest themselves in both lower back pain and, just for that special bonus, either numbness or shooting pain down your legs. For those keeping score, I have both.

Once you have these problems, you also have to be a lot fussier about your environment - sitting correctly, getting good support. I've gotten pretty good a judging comfortable seating arrangements - ask me to help you shop for office chairs. (The chairs at Last Chance irritate my back immensely.) This entire mess makes feel very old.

So, physical fitness is my new fall thing. I was putting it off until I finished my event, but it's really time. It's just too vexing to have pain sporadically interrupt your professional and private life.

The good news is I found a masseuse. Her name is Lisa, and she's good. Friendly, knowledgable, and very soothing. I've never had a massage before, but I felt *much* better after my first one on Tuesday. She and I will be getting together weekly for awhile. I think it will really help all the back problems. I feel *much* better today than I did Tuesday. Which means I have to contact my insurance company about filing claims for that if possible.

In the denouenment phase, I returned Tbone's gear yesterday and Roland returned the last of G&A's. Kyna has their stuff back, so that just leaves all the Lochmere feast gear, Genevieve's food processor, and the blue box of holding (which I'd be happy to keep. Really I would). Helena's trying to contact the Lochmere storage guru to make return arrangements. Meanwhile, my cat wanders confusedly amongst the boxes.

I feel relaxed after the event came off so well. We did accounting last night and did very nicely, especially for an event not geared to make money. The "Market at the Mills" rummage sale alone pulled in about $330. (Gen, I have your share - it's enough to buy a margarita.)

I'm trying not to think about the reams of things I have to do next (KMoL work, Crown, plan the U.K. trip better, wow tons of family birthdays to find presents for, Christmas shopping, sewing projects, lots of people that want help with sewing projects � argh � how do I have time to go to the U.K. � not thinking about it. � need to call Keilyn. Hummmmm-hummm-relax-breathe.)

Today, Jim's taking me shopping for comics at lunch - I have caught up on Rising Stars, but I need the 5-8 issues of Midnight Nation. I think I'll grab a copy of Heroes and see what else strikes my fancy. I'm missing the middle of the Elfquest collections and Spiderman's been great lately. Jim lent me the run Babylon 5's creator, JMS, has been scripting. Whoa - I didn't think you could do anything else with Spidey's origin story but the first five issues were awesome!

Must resist collecting X-Men. The old ones are too expensives, the new ones too confusing since they created a zillion splinter titles.

Scribble to Theo

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