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House and a shelf

2001-10-18 - 9:55 a.m.

It's a hopping rock

I am wildly busy at work finishing project closeout.

In other news, several persistently professional messages have me scheduled for a personnel debrief on Monday - so stay tuned for a Monday entry on the idiocies of government hiring practices.

My home sweet home is mostly picked up. The front rooms are stacked with event gear, so they're just hopeless, but I found the kitchen, my bedroom and the guest room which still have the post-Crusades explosion. Sometimes, it seems so futile to put away your SCA gear because you'll just get it back out next weekend.

Today, I make lists. Lots of long detailed lists, which will be followed by lots of reminder emails to my Shiremates. Hey, Keilyn, did you have to publish the "Autocratting 101" CA three days before I have to be an autocrat? Not much help now.

Let me make my list:

*Get gear from Tbone at lunchtime. Stop and get my vehicle searched by the gate guards and explain the purpose of said gear to the gate guards. Add five minutes for perplexed looks.

*Spend 45 minutes at Costco picking up supplies for my cook. Wonder if they have any new DVDs?

*Make a few more signs with the colorful paper by my home printer. Get the signs on poles, because I hate having posterboard with no way to hang it up.

*Box up any random supplies that need to get to the event - like bagging up all those lovely pilgrim's badges. Arrange and rearrange boxes into 'load this gear' piles.

*Finish up a few last minute favors before finally vacuuming the sewing room.

*Vacuum the house because with all the gear schlepping it's just got too much flotasm on the floor.

*Watch Failenn and Eoghan borrow the drill press to finish up the trebuchet arm. No test firing in my basement.

After I finished the grand pickup last night, Badouin came by to get d�cor supplies. He's prepping some of our new Shire decorations for hanging. It's so handy, having a professional stage crew person take care of this.

Alisandra sewed up the last of the castle wall/bale bags, and borrowed my machine to work on her Bockston. She headed out by 9, determined to get sleep at a reasonable hour.

I had unearthed my newly arrived Sluggy Freelance books during the general pickup. So, I curled up to read "Is it not nifty?" and relax.

The heros of this comic include Bun-Bun, the adorable talking animal of the strip. Bun-bun is cute, cuddley grey-and-white mini-lop rabit. Downright precious little character.

However, he is not really a friendly bunny.

Bun-bun carries a glock and a switchblade, has an unattractive obsession with Baywatch, a strange resentment of Santa and the Easter bunny, and kicks the butt of any creature in his path.

I like Bun-bun. It's also one of my nicknames for Wayne. Dare you to call Wayne, Bun-bun. Watching Gen and Wayne talk is like watching Bun-bun interact with the Sluggy character, Kiki, the talking ferret. Ohhh. Shiny thing. Look! Look at the cute shiny thing! Stop talking or I will have to kill you painfully.

As I'm flipping through the comic book, I look at Roland and say.

Look at Bun-Bun. Bunnies are just so cute. Cuddley and soft. Maybe we should get a bunny.

What? Why?

They're so petable and soft and they can't be much trouble.

All they do is poop and eat.

How is that different than our cat? You love our cat.

The cat is cute and sneaky and clever. He plays, he stalks, he chases string. A bunny is just a hopping rock.

For some reason, this cracks me up so badly Roland wins the discussion by default. I'm still chuckling about it an hour later, and he's ready to kick me because he didn't think it was that funny. Thanks, hon. Love the gift of laughter.

Now I'm remembering all the infamous stories of Shannon's bunny chew-chew-chewing everything. I recall Laura once had a bunny once. Years ago, I dropped by her apartment and what I thought was a cute china statue sitting under the couch table, suddenly hopped at me. Yeah, that was a scream like a girl moment.

So, no bunny.

We'll stick with the stalking, cute, fuzzy cat that likes Roland best anyway.

Scribble to Theo

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