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2001-10-11 - 8:43 a.m.

Karoke with the seven dwarves

Yesterday I spent sleeping off a cold. I felt sort of whimpy taking sick leave, but I can't afford to get ill during this very busy fall season. Let me tell you, sleeping through helped a lot. That and this stuff called Cold -eeze. They are cough drops you take the instant you feel the onset of the cold; they can't prevent or cure a cold but they purportedly they reduce the severity of inevitable illness. I have no scientific fact to offer, but they help me. I am slightly disturbed by the warning not to drink citrus products half an hour before or after taking the medication.

Of course, staying home sick inevitably leads to daytime television. Between soap operas, talk shows, and war movies, I had to settle for watching the E! Hollywood update on coming attractions including a five minute segment on the new DVD release of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves," a two disk set. Two disks, you ask? Why the extra features, hosted by the magic mirror, include a virtual tour of the castle, lost animation, color restoration, re-mastered sound, trivia games and karoke with the seven dwarves. Yes, apparently, you too can follow the little bouncing ball and sing "Hi-ho, hi-ho."

Let's not adopt this as a party game.

I turned off the TV before I had to watch more previews for "Corky Romano." Napping was a much better idea. No singing dwarves in my dreams.

Gen buzzed by last night and helped me turn the groceries Roland procured into vats of beef stew for the retainer dinner Saturday night. Luckily, I had the huge Lochmere cooking pots in my living room, since the Barony kindly lent my Shire the feast gear for Pilgrim's Tale event next weekend. [Thanks for your kind support in helping feed the royalty and retinue- yay Lochmere!] Gen's such a good sous-chef, chop, peel, grate � great!

Istvan and Helena finished up their casting. Istvan's mold still has minor issues, but Roland promised to fuss with it a bit more and get it finished. And that will be the last of the pre-event casting - yay! It's very un-SCAdian like but we have little left to do for the event and it's over a week away. Send in your reservations - the feast is halfway sold out! I'll be collecting reservations this weekend at Kingdom Crusades.

Scribble to Theo

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